Chapter 49 - Andy Discovers the Truth

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Ariel froze in her seat as she realised Andy overheard their conversation. Leon bit his tongue in awkwardness.

"Was that man who tried to kill you both, my father?" Andy's lips trembled, eyes swelled.

"Darling..." Ariel placed her hand on his shoulder but he flinched it off.

"You lied to me! All these years I asked you who my father is but you never want to tell me. I hate you!" Andy ran off in tears.

"Andy, please!" Ariel ran after him and Leon followed after.

"Andy!" Ariel caught his arm, but Andy yanked it off. "Andy, I'll reveal to you everything, ok?"

"Liar! Why should I believe you? You tell me it's bad to tell lies, yet you do!" He squatted on the grass and buried his head in his folded arms on his knees and sobbed.

"Let me," Leon said to Ariel.

Leon squatted next to Andy and put his arms around Andy without saying a word. He let him cry it all out and patted his back. The cries of her son pained Ariel, ashamed and remorseful to have put him through this. She had tried so hard all these years to protect him from the awful truth about his father, until now.

"Is it true? That evil man's my father?" Andy rubbed his eyes, sobbing in between.

Ariel took a deep breath, "Yes, it's true."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I'm so sorry. I wanted to protect you."

Andy shook his head and glared at her, "Protect me from what?!"

"From getting hurt," Ariel bit her lower lip. "I'm sorry, darling. I wanted to tell you much later when you're older. But since you now know, I'll tell you everything."

"Tell me!" he bawled.

Nodding, Ariel proceeded to tell Andy the entire story of how she met Darryl, when they married and how he eventually left her for another woman who became his second wife.

"Did he not want to see me at all?" Andy lamented.

"He never made any contact. He may be your biological father, but he was not a father to you. That gala night, he only mentioned you to take advantage of the money he thought I had, not because he had any real interest or love in you. He did not even remember your name," Ariel sighed regrettably.

Andy sobbed even more. Leon stroked his head, "Andy, remember what I once told you? Not every father out there is good to their own kids. Be glad he was not involved in your life. He could've killed you too."

Andy sniffled and rubbed his nose, "Leon, do you hate me because I'm the son of that killer?"

Leon shook his head affirmatively and tightened his hand around Andy's shoulder, "Absolutely not! When I see you, I don't see that sadistic jerk. I see Andy - a bright, kind and wonderful boy who's very unique in his own right, and who's special to me."

"And to me," Ariel added with eyes swelling. "Andy, Mummy will always love you no matter who your father is. You are and always will be my child." She kissed his forehead and this time, he did not flinch.

Leon pinched his nose in between his eyes, trying to stop himself from welling up.

"Will I ever have a daddy?" asked Andy.

"That...I can't answer that," Ariel replied.

Andy looked at Leon with a poignant look, wanting to say something. Instead, he drew out along sigh and dropped his head.

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