Chapter 19 - Dark Days Ahead

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"How was Andy's birthday party?" Leon asked Evan.

"It went well, until.."

"Until what?"

"Until he got your present."


"He liked it very much. Says he misses you and wanted to get in touch, but I told him I can't pass him your number without his mum's or your permission."

"Does he not have a phone? I would have love to give it to him."

"That's the only thing Ariel's strict with. She never allows him to own one."

"Aye, and she won't let him call me, I bet."

Evan nodded.

"I miss him too. I remember the first time I saw him on the submission video with that cute and bubbly voice. You know, we'd challenge each other to Xbox games and swim together. Often, he'd share his school problems with me. Oh, and that delicious sandwich he made for me when Ariel was sick? Gosh, I can't even replicate that," Leon drew in a long sigh and tilted his head back against the sofa.

"Andy said he wished you were at his party."

"Yeah, if it wasn't for his mum. Anyway, what did you mean earlier by 'it went well, until...'?"

"Andy got upset after thinking of you, scolded his mother before everyone for not allowing you in his party and stuff and ran back to his room. The party ended early as a result. But I did manage to have a one-to-one talk with him."

Leon was stunned that sweet, shy Andy was capable of such. He did not mean his surprise present to ruin his party.

"What did you say to him?"

"That some things in life we can't control, but he should be thankful his mum is still alive to celebrate his birthday."

"I see," Leon pulled his lips to one side, Would Ariel get in touch with him if Andy insisted further? He imagined the scenarios that could play out and smiled to himself unknowingly.

"Still thinking about Ariel?" Evan observed his expression.

Leon broke from his smile and cleared his throat, "Erm...does she have a boyfriend?"

"Mmm...from what Rita told me, Hiroshi's been spending lots of time with her."

"Hiroshi?" Leon knitted his brows together.

"Yeah. He spent a lot of time with her and Andy in Japan and acts like her mentor. He visits them every week at their house too. As to whether they're together or not, I did not ask. I did not see them being lovey-dovey one bit at the party. But Rita told me Hiroshi was the last to leave after the party ended."

Leon's stomach churned from the news and clawed his fingers into the soft fabric of his sofa. The media had showcased many pictures of Ariel and Hiroshi together. Even her Instagram contained a few pictures of them together, but it looked more friendly than romantic. Still, it was a big slap to his face.

"Pass me my rose champagne," he pointed at the bottle across the table.

Evan winced, unwillingly to obliged.

Leon was looking worse each day. His complexion looked flushed, his eyes and skin were going yellowy, and he neglected his weekly gym exercises. His overall appearance was becoming more unkempt. Not even his expensive skincare products could undo the damage he was doing to his skin from within.

"Leon, I think you should seriously take care of your health now, or you'll -"

"Just pass it to me!" Leon flared.

Evan reluctantly passed the bottle to him. No good advice was getting into his head anymore.

Leon popped open the bottle and drank directly from it, too distraught to care anymore to continue any conversation.


"Are you serious? This can't be," Leon's lips quivered as he pressed his cheek to the phone.

"Yes, I'm serious, Mr Waltz. I'm sorry that due to poor sales of your skincare line and the bad rep that you've garnered, I've decided to end our partnership with you. I wish you all the best," said the CEO of the last distribution channel he had on his side.

"I don't think you should do this. Besides, hasn't my products been giving you great profits over the years?"

"Yes. But business is business, nothing personal. It was not an easy decision, as you can understand. To continue to provide you the retail spaces which we can otherwise provide for other brands whose products sell better is not a profitable option anymore. "

"Please give it a few more months. I promise you that the sales will improve again. I'll work hard on it. You've been my supporter since the beginning and you know that I mean what I say."

The CEO paused.

Leon continued, "Give me about 6 months to rectify this, I promise."

"Alright, I'll extend the deadline. But if sales do not improve within these 6 months, I'll have to end this partnership without further negotiation."

"You have my word."

The CEO hung up the call. Leon threw his phone across the bed, clearly stressed.

His skincare company still owed about half of the $30 million loan to the bank that he borrowed years ago to buy over the business from a retiring couple who created the skincare line, and he expanded it worldwide as well as further innovate the brand under a new name.

Now with low sales even from its own online store, there was barely enough to pay off the monthly loans and the business operation costs. He would need to come up with ideas to revive interest in the brand. With a heavy heart, Leon messaged his operations manager to lay off many employees so as to keep the business afloat.

Operations manager: Are you sure of this, Mr Waltz?

Leon: Positive. No more questions entertained

Operations manager: Ok. I'll work with the HR and accounting departments on that.

Leon pulled his hair in frustration.

For so long, he prided himself to be business-smart and enjoyed enormous earnings year and year, living for the moment the indulgences, the elite connections and power, and any women that money could buy. He walked around his house and spanned his eyes across every possession he owned. The opulence was an understatement, a far cry from the humble life he was born into. Headaches were truly enormous for those further up the ladder, so much so that he suddenly missed the life he had before the fame, where privacy was normalcy and life was simple, where girls would treat him as another person on the street than scream and fight and faint over him, and having friends was enjoyable rather than suspicious.

His accountant updated him that his earnings for this month were the lowest since the start of the year. He still had millions in his bank, but they were dwindling faster than he could replenish. But he was not ready to downgrade. No, there had to be a way out of this mess without sacrificing his lifestyle. He was Leon Waltz and the world still loved him....hopefully.

He would have to practice harder for his upcoming concert and not disappoint his fans...and Sheldon.

Oh, that nasty, sleazy, cunning Sheldon! The thought of that old devil made him sick!

Walking towards his minibar, Leon popped open a bottle of whiskey.

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