Chapter 78 - Reborn

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Leon ate another generous scoop of sweet, sugar-free cookie dough ice cream from the large waffle bowl of seven different flavours of ice creams that he shared with Ariel, enjoying their mini celebration of freedom.

Ariel cracked up at his child-like reaction and completely related to his words when he said, "It's been a long time since I sat in a cafe and ate ice cream in peace!"

"And we ain't gonna let trauma stop us from enjoying ice cream," she added and helped herself another scoop.

It was risky to be out in the public without bodyguards, but their face masks disguises and Leon's double, Brent Bay's diverting the paparazzi's attention to himself helped.

They were enjoying their time in a faraway and obscure seaside cafe made of glass located an hour away from the city, where the distant mountains were visible, and coniferous trees grazed its surroundings. Colourful flowers and plants decorated the inside of the cafe since its glass exterior acted like a warm greenhouse that kept the inside warm while the outside was braving the cold. There was a wooden bookshelf that occupied a wall from top to bottom, filled with books of vintage covers and novelty items and decor. With the music of piano and jazz playing in the background, the tranquil atmosphere was so relaxing and quiet even with very few customers around. No cameras, no intrusions. What heavenly peace!

Ariel sipped on her peppermint tea while staring at the mountains through the glass windows, "It's so therapeutic here. If only I could live like this in nature every day."

"Same," Leon closed his eyes and relaxed as his ears took in the soothing music.

"Serious question," she rotated the warm cup back and forth in between her palms, "do you actually miss the penthouse and its panoramic scenery?"

"The penthouse?" he opened his eyes. "Why should I miss that filthy place? I don't wanna look back."

Ariel knew what he was referring to.

"Even though it had nice memories of you and Andy and the view, it hurt you and scared you away. It's too big a place for one person and expensive to the point of debt. Now, I want to start life anew - with you."

Leon leaned forward and stroked her cheek gently while gazing into her pretty eyes. He was in awe at how she could be so accepting of him despite his terrible, hedonistic past and how he used to treat her so horribly. Videos, pictures and news of his playboy ways would forever be in the archives of the internet. Could she accept it? Sweet, kind Ariel was too good for him. He remembered Ron's advice not to let a good woman go as he did with his ex-wife. However, Leon wanted to make sure Ariel wanted to be with him. Part of him was even willing to let her go if she could not handle it.

Leon rubbed his neck, "Ariel, do you really want to be with me?"

Ariel tilted her head with a curious frown, "Why do you ask all of a sudden? Isn't it obvious?"

"I know I was horrible to you before. I've got a promiscuous past but I assure you I had myself medically checked recently and I'm clean. It's something I know that can't change the past or make you proud of. I understand I was like your ex who -"

"Don't be silly, you're not him!" Ariel held his hand and squeezed in assurance. "He did not even have an ounce of dignity to do what you could. And yes, I want you." She pressed his hand on her cheek and smiled at him.

Leon smiled with relief, "I'm glad to know that. I really wanna treasure you so much." He kissed her hand. 

"Cheers to a new life," she lifted up her teacup and he lifted up his and they clinked. 

Cheering with teacups was something Leon remembered he first found odd about Ariel and her friends. Now that he was doing the same, he found it to be an enjoyable, unconventional habit without booze. 

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