Chapter 1

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(Quick A/N) again little reminder this story starts straight on season 3, so the character has already met Blaine, Sam, Rachel, Quinn, and everyone else. (if you want FlashBacks I can write)

If you don't like the character and wish to insert yourself go right ahead. Just imagine the character is you. if you enjoy the OC then continue reading. 

Well enjoy!! :)


"Lydia! Come on, were gonna be late!" Finn shouted from downstairs.

"Coming!" I shouted back at my older brother, grabbing my bag and jacket then ran downstairs seeing Finn and Kurt ready to go. 

As usual I'm the last one to be ready, which I really need to work on.

"About time." Kurt said.

"Sorry, woke up late."

"Alright let's go."

We all got in the car and headed to school. 

When we got there, we got out of the car and inside the school. There, waiting for Finn, was Rachel. It was weird seeing as they had an on and off relationship the past two years. Me being me, I believed they were soulmates meant to be, even if Rachel can be... a bit extra, but she fights hard for what she wants, so who am I judge? I actually kinda envy her for it.

When I walk into the school hallway we all departed going our separate ways and headed to class. The first days weren't as stressful as what the rest of the school year is going to be. But doesn't mean they don't want to make you pull out your hairs. Classes were basically going over the topics of the year, grades, tests, what you needed for each class, and introductions. Let's not forget seating assignments, only if the teachers planned them out.

When it was time for Glee Club, I had practically ran into the choir room. Glee club was the best part of the day, well everyone's part of the day. I mean it was a family and we all just love it, singing, being with our friends and preparing for our competitions it was just a place to let loose and have fun. Even when drama spins and something gets out of control we're a family, the end of the day we're in this together.

Mr. Shue had us sit down and told us about the purple piano project and how we needed to recruit more members since we lost some and we needed twelve to compete. Which was going to be hard because we had lost as Nationals last year because my brother and Rachel kiss in the middle of the act and the entire school brings us down for it. It was a bit more worse knowing that other show choirs knew about it from youtube, seriously it was everywhere. Needless to say we are still rotting at the bottom and the fact we lost nationals because they decided to kiss was going to haunt us forever.

Back to the point if we were walking around school and saw a purple piano we had to sing. Create a creative environment that would want other kids to join. Admittedly, I may have seen a glimpse of a piano and went to the other direction because Sue was already demolishing the pianos. She keeps saying she willingly help the Glee club and we took advantage and failed her so she was back on her vendetta against us. 

That and I really didn't need to get in the middle of her rage when I still have a year left after this one to continue living her wrath of hatred.

Lunch was worse because there was a giant Purple Piano in the middle, or rather front, of the cafeteria. Unanimously we didn't want to sing so we kept our heads do and pretended not to notice... until Rachel came up to us.

"Why aren't you guys doing Mr. Shue's assignment?"

"Wait there's a purple piano in here?" Finn said with his mouth full. 

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