Chapter 42 <3

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Chapter 42

The next morning the boys had a flight to Australia at 8 a.m. Another early day. They had to be at the airport at 5:30 to avoid any crowds and so they didn't miss their flight. All of the boys had packed before Disneyland, so when they had to wake up at 4 a.m. they could just roll out of bed and leave. My alarm went off and I smacked the clock off my bedside table. I groaned and fell out of bed. I threw my hair into a messy bun, and didn't even bother to put any makeup on. I splashed cold water onto my face to wake me up, then went to my room and put on a big sweatshirt and yoga pants. I looked in the mirror and cringed at how lazy I looked. I switched into a comfortable pair of jeans and went back to the mirror.

"Okay, better." I said to myself.

I went into the boys' rooms to make sure they were up, and of course none of them were. I shook Liam's shoulder and he woke up quickly and helped me wake up the other boys. Liam got Niall up out of bed and I got Harry up. I walked to Zayn and had to use the pillow to get him up again. He took the pillow from me and groaned into it. Finally, he dragged himself out of bed. He ran his hand through his hair and instantly it was perfect.

"How do you do that?" I whispered to myself so he wouldn't hear.

I went downstairs to make them some breakfast, and as soon as Niall heard the bacon begin to sizzle, he was down at the table ready to scarf down anything I put in front of him. When I finished cooking all of the boys were at the table and their bags were by the door. I served them the bacon and toast and checked the clock, 4:25.

"Oh crap, we gotta go." I said. "Go put your bags in the car and I'll wrap this up so you can eat in the car." I handed Liam my keys and they went out to the car.

I ran outside and handed each of the boys a plate with plastic around it. I got into the driver's seat and set out for the airport. It was a quiet ride to the airport because everyone was still waking up.

Once we arrived at LAX, I parked in the short-term parking and helped them carry their bags inside. Since it was so early, there weren't fans there to swarm them. They looked like zombies walking in anyway, so they were glad no one was there. We checked their bags and before they got into line at security, the moment came to say our goodbyes.

Louis grabbed me first and hugged me so tight I couldn't breathe. "Lou, Lou." I managed to get out. He loosened his grip and kissed my forehead.

"Give one of these to Jade for me." He said and kissed my forehead again. I nodded and he let go. "I'll miss you babe."

Zayn stepped up and put his arms around me. He didn't say anything, but looked as if he was going to cry. He pulled away from me, touched my cheek, and smiled. I returned the smile and playfully touched his hair.

Niall then stepped in and gave me a big hug and spun me around. "Thanks for all of your amazing food. Take care of Kayla for me would ya?" He smiled and kissed my cheek. I nodded and smiled, holding back my emotions.

Liam wrapped his arms around me next and whispered in my ear, "I'm gonna miss you, take care of yourself, and don't forget to text me every once in a while." I nodded into his shoulder and felt the tears form on the edges of my eyelids.

"Take care of Harry for me." I whispered back. He pulled away for a second and gave me a reassuring look and hugged me one last time. He kissed my cheek and stepped aside to reveal Harry standing behind him.

I couldn't help myself, I ran to him and jumped into his arms and wrapped my legs around his waist. I lost it. I instantly began sobbing into his shoulder and I felt his breathing begin to get uneven. He tried his best to hold back his tears, but one slipped onto the shoulder of my sweatshirt. He put me back on the ground and took my face in his hands. He kissed me passionately. It seemed too short, but we broke apart and he hugged me again. He kissed the top of my head, and let me go.

I felt so alone without his arms around me. He bent down to grab his carry on and got in line. He wiped his eye to prevent another tear from falling and he turned to get in the security line. I stood off to the side and watched all the boys pass through. When they were on the other side they turned around and gave me a last wave goodbye. Harry was the last to pass through security. When he reached the other side he turned around and smiled slightly. He gave a gentle wave, then left to catch up with the other boys. As soon as they were out of sight I headed back to my car. I noticed a dark spot on my shoulder, Harry's tear. I ran back to the car before anyone could see me.

I climbed into the driver's seat and put my face in my hands. He's gone. They're all gone. I held back the tears and looked around at the emptiness of the car. Sitting on the passenger seat there was a little folded up yellow piece of paper.

"Don't forget!" was written on the front. I opened it up and read the inside. A few more tears fell from my eyes, but I smiled. "I love you Marisol. Always."

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