Chapter 17 <3

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Chapter 27

The Dates

The date went absolutely perfect. When we got to Laser Quest, Louis and Jade were already holding hands. I guess their talk in the car went well. We decided to play one round of boys versus girls, and one round of couples. I have pretty good aim, and I'm a decent Laser Quest player, but Jade… Jade was a professional. We kicked the boys butt in round one 68,839 points to 41,282 points. Harry's competitive side came out and he refused to look at Louis after that round. Louis wasn't the best player, but this round, he was extra terrible. Harry could not stand to lose.

When we switched teams, he was completely out of boyfriend mode. "Okay so I don't think I can take another loss. So I'll go after Jade if you go after Louis. Do whatever you have to so we get the win." Harry instructed.

"Yes sir." I said and saluted.

"Did I go too far?" Harry asked, realizing how crazy he sounded.

"Just a bit, but I'll try my best." I said.

He pulled me into a hug and kissed the top of my head. "I know you will, and now's the time to have the best game of your life. Let's go!"

I tried my best not to let Harry down, and I had my best game ever. Louis couldn't focus the whole time, he was just watching Jade play, so going after him wasn't hard at all. Harry had a tougher time getting Jade, but he refused to lose another round. Harry and I won 62,593 to 58,293. It wasn't a huge win, but for Harry, a win was a win regardless of score.

"Woo hoo! Undefeated!" I bragged as we walked out of the building.

Harry glared at Louis, but Louis didn't notice, he was focused on Jade. "Well if Lou had his head in the game, you girls wouldn't have had a chance." Harry said, making up any kind of excuse for his loss.

"I don't think so, Jade was on fire tonight." Louis smiled at Jade, which made Harry glare at him again.

On the way home, Harry calmed down a lot. He picked up my hand and whispered, "Good job tonight babe, you played great." He smiled.

"Thanks! I couldn't let my teams down." I said. Harry shuddered at the thought of his loss and the smile dropped from his face. He looked in the rear view mirror at Louis and glared. He mumbled something to himself, then turned back to me and said, "Well at least I won one round."

"That's the spirit!" I responded. We pulled up to my house only a few minutes later and saw that the other car was still gone. Zayn and Liam must still be out with Caitlin and Michelle.

We went into the house and Harry turned on the TV and pulled out some Disney movies. He picked out Tarzan, The Jungle Book, Beauty and the Beast, and Aladdin. He knew those were my favorites. "Do you guys wanna watch too?" Harry asked Lou and Jade.

"Maybe in a little, Jade and I are gonna bake some cookies if that's okay." Lou said.

"Yeah that's fine. The cookie mix is in the cupboard. Don't make too big of a mess." I said knowing that I would have to clean it up.

Harry and I watched The Jungle Book first. I snuggled into his side and he put his arm around my shoulders. About 20 minutes into the movie we heard a crash followed by "LOU!" and some giggles. Harry and I turned our heads to face the kitchen at the same time. Jade was laughing and looking at the ground, and Louis was on the floor covered in flour and cookie mix. He got up and smiled "Come here Jade, come give me a hug."

Jade squealed and ran the opposite direction, "No Lou! Don't get that on me!"

Louis caught Jade's hand and pulled her into a hug. She screamed, but eventually gave in and hugged him back. He pulled away from her, "I don't think I got enough on you." He grabbed the bag of flour, reached in and tossed some into her hair.

"LOUIS!" Jade screamed then took the flour for herself and poured it on top of his head.

"Oh it's on now!" He took the cookie mix and smeared it on her face with his fingers. She responded by tossing some chocolate chips in his direction.

Harry and I got up to break up the food fight, and Louis tossed flour on both of us. "You did not just do that Lou." Harry said shaking out his hair to get the flour out. He grabbed an egg off the counter and smashed it on Louis' head. Jade and I burst out with laughter. Harry faced me, "You get one too Mandy." He said with an evil grin as he cracked an egg over my head.

I screamed, but ran to the fridge to find ammo of my own. I grabbed the chocolate syrup and poured it over Harry's head, the turned and poured it over Lou's as well. We were in a full-fledged food fight, grabbing anything we could find and throwing it at each other. So much for keeping the kitchen clean.

"What is this?" A familiar voice said. We all stopped the fight, turned to see who said that, and saw Liam, Zayn, and Niall staring at the mess we had just made.

"Oh hey guys!" I said innocently. "Where are Kayla, Michelle, and Caitlin?"

"We took them home cuz we didn't want Lou to feel weird that he was the only one without a girl… but I guess that's not the case." Niall said and looked at Louis and Jade who had their arms around each other.

"Boys, this is Jade, she came with us to Laser Quest." Louis explained.

The boys still had confused looks on their faces. "So how did Laser Quest lead to this?" Zayn asked and pointed to the mess in the kitchen.

Harry, Louis, Jade and I all laughed. "It just sort of happened." Harry said. "I guess we can clean this up now."

"Well we didn't have any part in this… so good luck guys!" Zayn said. Liam, Niall and Zayn all smiled at us, then turned and went to the living room to watch the movie Harry had put on. The rest of us stayed in the kitchen and started cleaning up the mess.

Jade took a paper towel and wiped her face. "Did I get it all?" She asked Louis.

"No you missed a spot." He took the paper towel out of her hand, then leaned down and kissed her unexpectedly. She didn't resist, but instead put her arms around his neck and kissed him back. "I got it." He said as he pulled away from her. She giggled, then stood on her toes and kissed his cheek.

In the living room, the other boys were talking. "Well we didn't even need to take the girls home." Liam complained.

"Can you believe that every member of One Direction is taken?" Niall asked.

"Let's hope this goes over well with the fans." Zayn said worriedly.


(A/N) Thanks again for all your support, I know I'm not updating more frequently, because school started and Its so fun. I finally got my laptop so I will try as hard as possible to update.(:

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