Chapter 12 <3

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Chapter 12

The Approval

"... and then he kissed me. That's all that happened." I finished my story and was out of breath.

My mom looked at me and I couldn't really tell what kind of expression she had. Was she relieved? Confused? Understanding? I just couldn't tell. Finally she said, "Well it sure sounds like you had a lot of fun. They sound like very good boys. Are you planning on seeing them again?"

YES! She's not mad! "I think today after school we were gonna do something, but I'm not sure." I then heard a familiar sound, "Ding! Ding!" "That was my phone!" I quickly ran back to my room and saw that I had a text from Harry.

It read, "I had a lovely day with you yesterday. Could we have another one today? Xx. ;)"

I caught myself smiling as I read it, and as I turned to go back to the kitchen to tell my mom, she was standing in my doorway. I jumped a bit, and then said, "Harry wants me to hang out again today. Can I?"

She looked at me, sighed and said, "I can tell you are just smitten with him, so... of course you can."

I jumped up and down and ran to my mom hugged her and said, "Thank you mom! I promise I won't do anything stupid."

She let go of me and said, "I know you won't. Now get ready you can't be late two days in a row."

I quickly showered, and got ready in what I thought was record time. Nick however thought we were going to be late again. He pushed me to walk faster as we left the house. Once we were in the car, he said "Okay no stopping to talk to boys today. Promise?"

"I promise." I replied with a smile.

(A/N) thanks for reading(: I know it's short and boring but a lot has happened to where I couldn't have Internet..I have the next ill post in a few..tomorrow I will probably update "You're my Kryptonte" and "I'll be here, by your side" tomorrow..hope you enjoyed it..don't forget to FAN and VOTE(:

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