Chapter 32<3

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Chapter 32

She's Back

After hearing Liam say her name, all of us stood up and ran toward the hallway so we could see them.

"Can I talk to you….. uhhh outside…. Alone." Michelle asked.

Liam turned around and noticed all of us watching. He scowled at us and said, "Sure." Caitlin walked into the house, and Liam shut the door behind her and we all quickly filed to the window to watch them. Michelle's back was towards the window and we were able to see Liam's face. At first Liam was not saying anything just staring at Michelle's face. Michelle's hands kept rising to wipe tears away. Liam winced every time she did this. He crossed his arms to keep himself from wiping them for her. Finally he began to talk. At first he looked upset, now wiping away his own tears. He then put his hands around the back of his head and his face turned angry.

"What are they saying?" Zayn demanded.

"Wait Mandy, isn't that window in your room right above them?" Harry asked. All of us stared at Harry for a moment, and without saying anything sprinted up the stairs to my room. I threw the window open, and sure enough we were able to hear everything.

"Liam, I'm sorry. I was just being stupid." Michelle said.

"Michelle, how could you even think something like that would happen?" Liam yelled.

"Bree just made it so believable. I don't know, she just knew exactly what to say to make me jealous." Michelle explained.

"But you should have come to talk to me first before just randomly dumping me. I had no idea what I had done wrong."

"I know. I know. I'm sorry. Can you forgive me?" Michelle begged. We all waited in anticipation for Liam's answer.

"Of course I forgive you Michelle." We all breathed a sigh of relief. "But, I think we should stay broken up." Everyone gasped.

"I was not expecting that." Harry said shocked.

"SHUT UP!" All of us yelled in unison.

Liam and Michelle both looked up at my window and we ducked down so they couldn't see us.

"But why?" Michelle asked, her voice cracking. We all stood back up to watch them again.

"You obviously can't trust me. You believed such a ridiculous lie, and stories are always being printed about the boys and I. How are you going to react when those come out?" Liam had a good point.

"But I know that they're just lies." Michelle said beginning to sob into her hands.

"You should've known that what Bree told you was a lie. I'm sorry, but we aren't getting back together right now." Liam said harshly.

"I should probably go check on her." Caitlin said.

"No, let them work it out." Louis said.

Michelle couldn't even get any words out now, she was sobbing hard into her hands. Liam wrapped his arms around her. He kissed the top of her head and said, "I'm sorry it has to be this way, but it's for the best. We can still hang out, but just not as a couple."

Michelle buried her head into Liam's shoulder, and they stood there for five minutes in silence.

Finally Michelle broke the silence. "Sorry for the makeup on your shirt." She laughed and wiped the tears from her face.

"Hahaha. It's not a problem." Liam giggled and wiped the remaining tears.

He kissed her forehead and hugged her one more time. "Do you need me to take you home?"

"No, it's okay, I'll call someone to pick me up." Michelle said, clearly upset.

Caitlin immediately jumped up. "I'm gonna take her home. I'll see you guys later." She kissed Zayn and ran downstairs. Once she was outside we heard her say, "I'll take her back, don't worry Liam."

"Thanks Caitlin, sorry you couldn't spend time with Zayn tonight." Liam apologized.

"It's alright, I'll see him another day. Bye Liam. Bye everyone else!" She waved to my window, and we all waved back.

Liam walked back into the house and we all ran back downstairs. We surrounded Liam in a group hug and he started to cry.

After about a minute Liam broke away from us, "I think I'm just gonna go to bed. I'll see you all in the morning."

We all gave him goodnight hugs and watched him walk upstairs. As the door upstairs closed, the front door opened and made all of us jump. Niall walked through the door.

"Hey guys! What's everyone doing?" He asked smiling. He obviously had a nice night with Kayla.

"Liam broke up with Michelle." Louis blurted out.

"No… Michelle broke up with Liam, but when Michelle wanted to get back together, Liam said no." Harry corrected.

Niall's smile slowly faded into a frown. "Why didn't one of you call me? I would have come back earlier if I had known Liam was upset."

"Well it happened not even ten minutes ago, so we are just as shocked as you." Zayn said.

"I'll go talk to him." Niall started up the stairs.

"No!" Harry grabbed Niall's arm to stop him. "Just let him sleep it off, talk to him about it tomorrow."

Niall nodded and asked, "Well how was everyone else's night?"

"Ours was good." Louis said wrapping an arm around Jade's shoulders.

"Same with ours." Harry said imitating Louis and putting his arm around my shoulder.

"Well mine sucked." Zayn said. "I think Liam has the right idea, I'm just gonna go to bed too." We all hugged him and he walked upstairs.

"Well what did you do Niall?" I asked.

He just smiled. "Oh you know, just went to Kayla's."

"That smile implies something else." Harry said and wiggled his eyebrows.

Niall giggled. "I'm starving, I didn't eat at Kayla's. What's for dinner?"

"Way to completely avoid the subject!" Harry objected. He ran to block Niall from getting into the kitchen. "No food for Niall until you tell us what happened."

Niall sighed. "It was just a good night. Okay? It's not what you think, I just feel so happy when I'm around her."

"AWWWWWWWW!" Jade and I cooed together.

"Ugh, too mushy." Louis said.

"Can I get food now?" Niall asked. Harry moved his arm and allowed Niall into the kitchen.

"Well what should we do now?" Louis asked.

"Want to take a walk down to the park?" Harry suggested.

"Sounds great!" Jade and I both said.

"Niall we're gonna go for a walk. Wanna come?" Louis asked.

"You're what?" Niall asked with his mouth full.

"I'll take that as a no." I said laughing at Niall's love for food.

We grabbed our coats and left for the park. Harry and I walked just ahead of Louis and Jade each of us having our own conversations. We got to the park and Harry and I instantly ran to the swings when we saw they were open. I laughed, as Harry demanded that I push him. I pushed him about four times until he was high enough to swing on his own. I hopped on my own swing and walked backwards to get myself to swing. Right as I was about to start I noticed a group of four people, two girls and two boys, sitting at the benches just ahead of us.

"No we're both single." One of the girls giggled and pushed one of the boys' shoulders.

Harry stopped himself on the swing and listened to the group. "I know that voice."

"I'm Caitlin and this is Michelle." The girl with an Australian accent said.

It's Gotta Be You &lt;3 (One Direction) *COMPLETE*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt