Chapter 33 <3

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Chapter 33

Harry and I got up from the swings and decided it was time to go home.

As we walked past the group, one of the boys said, "Hey isn't that guy in that British band... Uhhh New Directions?"

Harry and I turned around and Michelle and Caitlin both faced us with horrified looks.

"It's One Direction actually, but yes I'm in that band." Harry said glaring at the girls.

"Woah man that's awesome! So I bet you have girls throwing themselves at you all the time right?" The taller boy said.

"I guess you could say that, but I've got this one, and that's all I need. " Harry said and pulled me close to him.

"That's cool. What about the other guys, do they have girlfriends?" The shorter boy said.

"We're actually all taken except for one... well two now." Harry said and winked at Caitlin evilly.

Caitlin's mouth dropped open.

"Well I think we better get home. It's pretty late." Harry suggested to me. "It was nice meeting you."

"Yeah you too man!" Both boys said simultaneously and shook Harry's hand.

Harry and I began to walk to find Jade and Louis.

A few minutes later after we caught up with Jade and Louis we heard voices in the distance behind us.

"Hey! Wait!" the voices yelled.

We all stopped and turned around. Michelle and Caitlin came running up towards us. When they finally caught up they were out of breath.

"I can explain." Caitlin said between puffs of air.

"Well go on then." I demanded.

"Well you see, Michelle was just upset that Liam had dumped her and I said a walk in the park would clear her mind. We happened to meet those two boys and we just kinda hit it off."

Caitlin explained.

"Yeah well what about Zayn?" I asked defensively.

"I don't know. I think he's a really nice guy, but he's just so shy. My personality is a bit crazier. I just don't think we're a good fit." She said.

"Then you need to end it now and quit leading him on." said Harry.

"I don't want to hurt him." She replied sadly.

"You're gonna hurt him either way. He should hear it from you rather than us though." I snapped.

"Okay. Can I come by in the morning?" She asked.

"Yeah you can come around 10:30." I agreed.

"I'm really sorry by the way." She apologized sincerely.

"Don't apologize to us. Apologize to Zayn. This is gonna tear him apart." Louis interposed.

"You're making me feel awful." Caitlin said and tears welled up in her eyes.

"Right now you should feel awful." I turned away from her. "Let's get home." Harry, Louis, Jade, and I all walked back to the house.

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