Chapter 16 <3

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Chapter 16

The Fandom

The scream pierced my ears, and only one thing ran through my mind. Run.

I grabbed Harry's hand and immediately started running through the hills behind the park. Every time I thought we were finally away from the screaming girl, it seemed as if there were more and more joining in. At one point I turned around and there were probably 50 to 60 girls running after us.

"We've got to get back to my car!" Harry yelled.

"They know which one is your car! We have to go somewhere they wouldn't expect us to be." We just continued running, when an idea popped into my head. "We have to go to Kayla's! She'll know what to do."

"What's the quickest way to get there?"

"There's an alleyway just over these hills. If we run fast enough, we can get there without the fans seeing us." I have never run faster in my entire life. I felt like I was flying, like I was in a dream and no one could stop me and I would never get tired.

Next thing I knew the alleyway was in front of us. There was a man in front of the alley enjoying a cigarette. Harry stopped, pulled some money out of his pocket, and said, "This is yours if you tell all the screaming girls that we went that way." He pointed the opposite direction.

The man's face lit up and said, "Deal." We continued down the alleyway and heard the screaming approaching close behind. Then we heard the man yell, "Hey! I saw them go that way!" He pointed across the street and all the girls ran the way he pointed.

"Yes we are free!" I told Harry. We continued to run down the alley. Just when I thought we were free from screaming girls, I turned around and saw a girl pointing down the alley. "Run! They saw us!" I started sprinting and yelled for Harry to follow.

I ran into the street and heard, "Marisol! WATCH OUT!"

A/N) Hope you liked it loves! FAN and VOTE(:

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