Chapter 38 <3

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Chapter 38

"What do you mean he doesn't remember us?" Jade asked, and began crying.

"I walked in there and he thought I was another doctor." Harry cringed at the thought.

"The nurse said he was going to be fine." Niall said.

"Well he is definitely not fine. I asked if he knew my name, and he shook his head. I showed him pictures of all of you and he didn't recognize anyone, I even asked if he knew what band he was in and he gawked at me and said he's not in a band." Harry clenched his fists, squatted onto the ground and pulled his hands through his curly hair.

We all sat in silence not knowing what to do. A different nurse came into the room. "You must be Louis' friends. He is quite confused right now, which is totally normal. I can have two of you go back there at a time. He should start remembering things soon, but we can't overwhelm him."

"So I guess that means no hair-flipping." Niall joked. We all scowled at him. "Oh too soon for jokes? Sorry." He put his head down, but smiled at his own cheekiness.

The nurse continued. "If you try and figure out how far back he remembers, you might be able to create a sort of timeline for him, to help jog his memory." We all nodded.

"Liam and Zayn should go find out how much he remembers." Harry said.

"What about me?" Niall asked. We glared at him again, and he nodded and put his head down again.

Liam and Zayn followed the nurse through the doors and into Louis' room.

"Hey Lou! How ya feelin?" Zayn asked.

Louis looked confused. "I'm alright I guess. I'm sorry, what are your names?"

Zayn and Liam were taken aback by his question. "I'm Liam, and this is Zayn. We're in a band together."

"We're more than a band, we're like brothers." Zayn added.

Louis looked at the boys wide-eyed. "What is all this talk of a band? I'm not in a band."

"What's the last thing you remember Lou?" Liam asked.

"I don't know really. I know I was having this dream where I was at X-Factor boot camp." Louis responded.

"That wasn't a dream! You have been to boot camp." Zayn said excitedly.

"But that curly-haired doctor was in the dream." Louis added.

"That's Harry. He's in the band too." Liam laughed at Louis' comment.

Louis tried to take everything in. "My head is really hurting right now, would you get the nurse for me?"

"Yeah we will, we're gonna leave too. Niall and Jade are gonna come in to see you next." Liam said.

"Jade… I know a Jade. She has beautiful brown hair, and she plays football." Louis said and smiled as he described her.

Zayn and Liam jumped. "You remember her!" They sprinted out of the room.

Zayn and Liam came bursting into the waiting room. "HE REMEMBERS JADE!" Liam screamed with excitement. Jade shot up and ran through the doors. Niall followed close behind.

"Hi Jade!" Louis said as soon as he saw her. She burst into tears.

"You remember me?" She asked between sobs.

"Yeah I do. I don't know how we met, but I recognize you." He looked at Niall and thought for a minute. "Niall?"

Niall jumped, "Do you remember me?"

"You were at boot camp!" Louis said.

Niall smiled widely. "Yeah I was! Do you remember anything else?"

Louis looked away and searched his brain. "Everything goes blank after I was told that I didn't make it through."

"Well you were told to come back with Harry, Zayn, Liam and I. Simon put us together as a band." Niall explained.

Louis' eyes widened. "Simon! Wow. That's great! I really wish I could remember it."

Niall's face saddened a bit. "If you saw some videos, do you think you'd remember?"

"Maybe. I'll try anything." Lou added.

Niall got into his pocket and grabbed his phone. He got on the Internet and typed in "One Direction at judges house." He clicked on the first video and handed the phone over to Louis.

Louis watched the video and tears welled up in his eyes.

"Do you remember any of that?" Niall asked and took the phone back from his friend.

"Now that I see this video, I recognize the boys, and I remember I got cut by a sea urchin that day. Right?" Louis looked up at Niall.

"Yes! We were all so worried that you wouldn't make it back to Simon's in time." Niall was overjoyed that Lou had this revelation.

"I still don't remember X Factor though." Louis confessed.

"Well we can look up all those videos, that's not a problem." Niall added. I think if you get a good night sleep, you'll remember a lot more.

Louis nodded. Jade and Niall turned to walk out of the room. "Wait! Jade!" Louis called out.

Jade turned to face Louis, and walked towards the side of his hospital bed.

"You aren't gonna leave without giving me a kiss are you?" He winked at her.

She smiled and kissed him softly but passionately. They finally broke apart and she kissed his forehead. They turned and headed back for the waiting room. Niall burst through the doors of the waiting room, and hopped up and down like a little bunny. "He remembers! He remembers!"

All of us stood up excitedly. "So he remembers everything?" I asked.

"Well no, he remembers judges house, kinda, but I think if we show him more videos he'll remember." Niall told us.

"Does he still think I'm his doctor?" Harry asked sarcastically.

"No he remembers all of us. He even remembers the sea urchin." Niall said.

"Wow! That's great!" I added. "Is he up to see one more visitor?"

"He said he was gonna sleep, but go in there before he falls asleep." Jade said.

I walked through the doors and said a little prayer that he would remember me. I walked into his room. "Hey Lou!" I said.

He looked up at me. "Hi there!"

"Do you know who I am?" I asked.

He thought hard, "I'm sorry, I don't."

I looked down and held back tears.

"Mandy, don't cry! I'm just kidding. I know who you are!"

I looked up and Louis smiled evilly at me. I slapped his shoulder. "That was a mean joke Lou."

"I'm sorry, I couldn't resist." I accepted his apology and sat down in the chair next to the bed.

"Way to get hurt 4 days before Australia, Lou."

"Australia! I got hit hard. I didn't know we were going to Australia." He said surprised.

"Yup! You boys are leaving on Thursday. We were supposed to pack as much as we could into the last four days, but you had to go and hurt yourself." I smiled and pushed his shoulder.

"I'm sorry. I ruined the last few days for everyone." He said sadly.

"No Lou, we're just glad you're okay. We want to make sure your memory comes back before you head out to Australia." I comforted him.

"Thanks babe. It just sucks knowing I can't remember what great friends I have."

"Well, we'll be back in the morning with our computers to help you remember."

"Alright, tell everyone I love them." Lou added as I walked out the doors.

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