Chapter 22 <3

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Chapter 22

Back at School

I stayed home for three more days, and finally it was time for me to go back to school. Dr. Nathanson suggested that I don't drive until I am no longer on pain medication, so Harry offered to drive me to school and pick me up. I was so nervous to go back, I would have to navigate the campus by myself in a wheelchair, fending off questions about the accident and Harry. I had Kayla, but she had to fight off the questions about Niall as well. Harry could tell I was nervous. He grabbed my hand and held it the whole way to school and assured me I would be okay. When we pulled up to the parking lot, Harry got out and went to the trunk to grab my wheelchair. He helped me out and kissed the top of my head. "I'll be back at 12:20 to pick you up, love." He smiled at me, and then turned to get back into the car.

A group of five girls came running up to him before he was able to get back in the car. "Oh my god! You're Harry Styles! Can we have a picture with you?"

"Of course you can!" He replied. He was always willing to take pictures with fans no matter what. I felt myself starting to get jealous. I know I have Harry for myself, but seeing him look so happy to meet fans put a weird knot in my stomach. After he finished with the girls, who were quietly screaming and giggling amongst themselves, he went to open the car door and looked up to see me still sitting in front of the gates watching him. "Babe! What are you doing still sitting there?" He walked towards me.

"I was just watching you take pictures, that's all." I lied. He leaned down, took hold of my face and kissed me passionately. I heard a few gasps around us, but I ignored them, this kiss was the only thing on my mind.

Harry pulled away, kissed my forehead and said, "Bye love, have a great day at school."

"I will now." I replied with a smile. He finally got into the car and drove off. Once the car was out of sight, I turned to wheel myself into school and saw there was a crowd that had just watched everything. I didn't even mind. I was on cloud nine.

A few people at school offered to help me get to class, while others whispered jokes behind me. I tried to ignore those few, and I appreciated the ones that offered to help. School seemed to go by quick, although I wasn't really paying attention in most of my classes. I was only thinking about Harry picking me up at 12:20. The questions about Harry had died down a bit, but the questions about my accident were raging. One boy had the nerve to come up to me and say, "So I heard Harry pushed you in front of that car, then told the police it was an accident." It took every muscle in my body to restrain myself from smacking him across the face.

I simply replied, "No, you heard wrong. If Harry hadn't seen me get hit I probably would have died. He actually saved me."

The boy was clearly trying to get a negative reaction out of me, and was frustrated when he didn't get one. He walked away and a few boys around snickered at him, and a couple of girls whispered, "AWWWWW" to each other. Finally that final bell rang and I tried my best to wheel myself out of the classroom and down to the parking lot. I got off campus and I saw a crowd of about 15 people in the parking lot, as well as camera flashes.

"Well Harry's on time." I thought to myself. I pulled out my phone and sent him a quick text message that read "Hey I'm out. Do you want me to wait for you to finish? Xx." As I put my phone down on my lap, I looked up to see Harry walking towards me.

"Ready to go?" He asked smiling.

"Well don't you want to finish taking pictures?"

"I'm here to pick you up, and besides I already took pictures with them, I was just chatting until you came out. So let's get you home."

I nodded and he pushed me towards the car. He helped me in, put the wheelchair in the trunk and got in the driver's side. As we drove off, everyone in the lot stared, some were "Oh they're so cute" stares, while others were "How did that monster get him" stares. I didn't mind, I had Harry with me now, and everything faded into the back of my mind.

(A/N) thanks for all the support check out my friend @irishbluberrysock she is an amazing writer..please(:

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