Chapter 39 <3

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Chapter 39

The next day we entered the hospital and got our visitors passes. We went to the waiting room that we were in the night before and waited for the nurse to tell us we could go in to Lou's room. After a few minutes Nurse Jackie came in to the waiting room and smiled at us. "You guys can all go in today, I think you'll be pleased with his progress."

We all jumped up and pushed each other to try to get to Lou's room first. We crashed into the room, Niall pushed Liam down and Zayn fell on top of both of them. Louis jumped at the noise.

"Sorry Louis. We're just excited to see you." Zayn said and helped Liam and Niall up off the floor.

"So how ya feelin?" Harry asked.

"I'm good, really good actually. I had some dreams last night that I'm pretty sure are memories with all of you."

"Well what were they?" Niall asked.

"Okay, well…" Louis began. "I don't remember individual performances, but I do remember when we got eliminated. We got third place, and Simon said it wasn't the end for us." The boys cringed at this memory. "And then I remember the X Factor Tour, and releasing Up All Night, and our Up All Night Tour, and then coming to America, and I remember a few things from California vividly. I think if we talk about the memories you have I'll remember more."

We all smiled at how much he remembered. Nurse Jackie walked in a few minutes later.

"Hey Lou, how ya doin?" She said cheerfully.

"I'm good Jackie, how are you?" Louis responded.

"I'm great! I just came in to tell you that your test results came back and you're free to get outa here when you're ready." She smiled at us.

Louis jumped up out of bed and put his beanie on and threw on some sweatpants. "I'm ready! Let's go!"

We laughed at Louis' eagerness. Nurse Jackie put her hands on her hips, "You mean you're that excited to leave me?"

Louis ran over to her and planted a kiss on her cheek. "I'll miss you Jack! Thanks for everything!" She hugged him and handed him his discharge papers.

We all piled in the car and headed back to my house. I drove the car, Zayn sat in front with me, Liam and Niall sat in the very back, and Harry and Jade sat on either side of Louis. Harry and Louis had their arms around each other's shoulders and Jade held on to Louis' free hand. Even though Harry is my boyfriend, I enjoy the bromance Louis and Harry have.

I pulled into the driveway and everyone got out. We sat in the living room and began our trip down memory lane.

After about 5 hours of laughing, crying, and yelling, we decided we needed a break.

"I'm hungry!" Niall complained.

We all nodded and agreed. "Well let's go to Bella Cucina!" Louis suggested.

"Awwwww! Good to have you back buddy!" Harry said and threw his arms around Louis.

We headed off to Bella Cucina. Kayla met us there, which made Niall extremely happy. We continued with our stories for Louis, and he seemed to be remembering most of the things we told him. There were times where he didn't remember things, but for the most part we were happy with what he had.

"Can you believe we only have tomorrow before we leave for Australia?" Liam asked.

It hit me then that I wouldn't see Harry or the other boys for a long time. I was excited for them to travel, but I haven't missed a day with Harry since I met him. I squeezed his hand and he looked at me and smiled.

"So what are we doin tomorrow? Disneyland? Beach? Shopping?" Louis asked.

"DISNEYLAND!" Liam yelled.

"BEACH!" Zayn screamed.

"SHOPPING!" Niall shouted.

"Well that accomplished nothing." Kayla joked. We all laughed.

"Why don't we do it all?" Harry suggested. "We could go to the beach in the morning for sunrise, then go shopping for a few hours, then go to Disneyland and stay till closing for the fireworks."

"So we have to wake up early?" Zayn complained.

"You'll survive." Harry snapped back. "What do ya think? Good plan?"

"Great plan Harry!" Louis said and we all nodded.

"Well, we have an early day tomorrow. Let's go home and get to bed." I said, and Zayn groaned.

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