Chapter 40 <3

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Chapter 40

"Zayn get up! We're leaving in 30 minutes!" Niall pushed him.

"It's 4:30. Are you serious?" Zayn groaned.

I came up to the side of his bed and hit him with a pillow. "Wake up! We're gonna leave without you." I continued to hit him with the pillow until he sat up and took it from my hands and threw it at my head.

"Okay! I'm up!" Zayn slowly stood up out of bed, and walked to the bathroom.

At 5:00 everyone was downstairs in the living room. Jade and Kayla spent the night so they were there as well. Everyone except Liam looked exhausted.

"Come on guys wake up!" Liam said overenthusiastically.

"I think you are the only morning person here Liam." Harry said rubbing his eyes.

"Well we better head out now if we're gonna do everything." I said. We all once again piled into the car. "First stop, beach."

After a half hour of driving we pulled up to Santa Monica beach just in time for sunrise. We jumped out of the car and grabbed the towels, blankets and jackets out of the trunk. We had the entire beach to ourselves. It was way colder than we expected, so we all bundled up. Niall and Kayla sat together under one blanket, Louis and Jade sat together under another, Harry and I sat together under a third, and Zayn and Liam rolled their eyes at the couples and decided to share a blanket as well.

We watched the beautiful sunrise and just stared at the lovely view that we had of the ocean. We just enjoyed each other's company and shared a few more stories. You'd think we would have run out of stories by now, but someone always had a new one. We were at the beach for about three hours and we decided to leave to go shopping for a while.

We all piled into the car again. "Second stop, shopping."

We got to the mall and once again jumped out of the car. We split up again into the same couples as the beach and decided to meet back at the car at 11:30. That gave us two and a half hours of shopping. Harry and I both didn't like shopping very much, so we went to the pet store and played with the puppies and kittens for the time. We went back to the car at 11:25 and waited for the others to get there. Liam and Zayn were the first back with bags from various toy stores. Louis and Jade were next and had some bags from Hollister, and American Eagle, and Niall and Kayla came back with so many bags they could barely carry them all. They had bags from a variety of different stores as well as a couple of food bags.

"You guys didn't get anything?" Kayla asked Harry and I.

"Nah, we're not big shoppers like you and Nialler." Harry responded.

"Yeah buddy!" Niall called out and took a bite of the pretzel in his hand.

"Alright so where to next?" I asked. Everyone looked at Liam.

"DISNEYLAAAAAAAAAAND!" He screamed. We all cheered and once again piled into the car.

"Third stop, Disneyland." I said.

We got to Disneyland and as soon as we got out of the car, a few fans came running up to the boys asking for pictures and autographs. Jade, Kayla, and I stood off to the side while they took pictures. When they finished we continued on to the theme park. We got up to the ticket booth and were immediately swarmed by fans.

"I didn't think they were this big." Jade said. Kayla and I nodded in agreement. The boys tried to take as many pictures as they could, but security came over and broke the crowd up and took the boys to an office building. We followed close behind, but the guard wouldn't let us into the building after them. I pulled out my phone and called Harry. About 2 minutes later he came out and grabbed my hand, and I grabbed Kayla and Jade to follow me in.

"Okay, so we have some security guards that we want you to walk with." A man sitting at a desk told us.

"That'll just draw more attention to us. Just give us some hats and sunglasses and we'll be fine." Louis said.

The man behind the desk nodded and went to the back room to get all of the boys hats and sunglasses, of course with Disney logos on them. "If you feel like you need security, call this number and we'll send a couple of guys out your way alright?"

"Thank you!" We all said and walked out the back door of the building.

"You look like such tourists!" Kayla said and took off Niall's hat.

"Yeah, we'll be fine without these." They all took off the hats and I put them in the backpack that I was carrying. Almost immediately the boys were getting stares from every direction.

"Right, so how bout those hats?" Louis suggested. I reached back into the bag and handed each of them a hat. Zayn hesitated. He touched his hair, but then reluctantly put the hat over his perfectly styled quiff. They all had their own sunglass, so the Disney ones stayed in the backpack.

We were able to maneuver the park with ease, only being stopped by a few super fans that would recognize the boys if they were wearing full body disguises. A couple of the fans even asked Jade, Kayla, and I for a picture. We were so confused as to why anyone would want a picture with us, I mean, we aren't the famous ones, but we happily took the pictures.

By the time it began to get dark all of us were getting tired. It was such a long day, but the boys had a flight to Australia tomorrow, and we were going to make the most out of the short time we had left. As the sun went down, Harry decided he didn't need his hat and sunglasses any longer. He put them in my backpack and shook out his curls and pulled them messily across his forehead. He put his arm across my shoulders and pulled me into his side. We had only been walking for a few minutes when the freezing sensation hit my face and ran down my chest.

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