CHAPTER 25 - Out finally

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   'Atlast we meet again Dev' Avinash voice was heard inside our room.

   'Isn't Avinash voice? What is he doing here? What is Dev doing here?' Pappu quizzed confused.

   'Rith and Pappu whatever happens in that room you will never make a sound. It is a promise on me' My order startled both Rith and Pappu. I could clearly see it on their faces.

   'But what is all this about?' Rith asked somewhat irritated.

   'Trust me, Rith. Please be calm for my sake' I pleaded him. Though he was surprised he suppressed it.

   'What do you want Avinash?' Dev voice was heard.

   'I don't want anything except the truth' Avinash replied.

   'What the hell are you talking about?' Dev almost shouted.

   'Karan, bring her in' Avinash said. There was a noise followed by silence.

   'Shila?? What are you doing here? Why have you tied her?' We heard Dev's voice.

   I looked at Rith he was more amazed than could be expressed by words. He maintained silence respecting my words. That is My Rith.

   'Your game is up, Dev. Shila said to us everything' Karan roared.

   'Karan have you lost your mind. What the hell are you talking?' Dev quizzed them.

   'We are blabbering. Shila accepted that she helped you in making the video' Avinash replied.

   'What video?' Dev maintained his innocent act.

   'The video which changed my life....which made my best friend my enemy...which made Rith to go away from me..the fake one you showed to Rith to separate us' Avi shouted with full of emotion.

   All I wanted to do was to be with him...For him at that time...but I have to control myself...or else everything will he ruined.

   I sneak a glance at Rith. Rith face showed some mixed emotions after hearing Avinash words.

   'Are you out of your mind?' Dev shouted back.

   'The game is up, Dev. I said to Avinash everything' Shila spoke.

   For the first time she opened her mouth. I was never grateful when she opened her mouth before but today was different.

   'Shila? What are you blabbering? It is clear that they are forcing you to say this' Dev commented.

   We thought by tying Shila we prove to Dev that we caught them red-handed. We never expected him to turn the plates our side.

   'No, Dev. Nothing like you said. Its High time you accept your mistake' Shila sighed.

   'Wow, some wise words from the bitch' Anika smiled at me.

   'Avinash, I knew that you have some grudge against me. But what is this all drama? You know that I showed the truth to R. And you accepted your mistake and moved on from us. But came into you suddenly?' Dev said.

   Man! Man! He never is going to let his guard down. One another stubborn guy!!

   'Just shut the fuck up, Dev' Avi shouted.

   'Man I never heard him using the language before' I mused.

   'Accept the truth or else your partner in crime will face the consequences' Karan tried to trick Dev.

   'Have you both lost your mind?' Dev screamed.


   We four heard a sound.

   'Stop torturing Shila. Stop it' Dev shouted.

   I and Anika looked at each other confused. We never had a plan to raise a hand against Shila.

  'He is planning something' I said to Anika in a hushed voice. She nodded in agreement.

   'We didn't torture her' Karan screamed.

   'Okay. Okay. Everyone hear me. I made a fake video to separate Ritesh and Avinash. That video I showed R was fake. I am a jealous brat so I did it' Dev shouted purposefully.

   'Are you happy now?' Dev shouted again.

   I didn't get what he was trying to do.

   'Poor Dev has no choice. I am going to kill that Avinash' Rith growled beside me.

  Suddenly it dawned upon me. Oh my god!! That was his plan. He somehow knew that Rith will he here that is why he is just acting as a great man. He is acting like he accepts the blame for saving Shila.

   'Rith will you do what I say?' I asked him

   'Now what?' he was tired.

   'I am going in there now. And you should absolutely not follow me. You need to know something and I will definitely shoe it to you today' I said and I nodded to Anika and went out.

   'Dont act smart Dev' Avi roared

   'He really is smart' I said calmly but making sure they can hear me.

   I must say Dev was a hell lot surprised seeing me there. His jaw dropped down to the floor.

   'You are indeed a great actor and a liar my ex-boyfriend' I smiled at him.

   'What you mean by ex?' he finally recovered from the shock and gained his speech.

   'I mean this' I said and moved towards Avi. I snaked my arm round his biceps. He looked down at me and smiled. That smile though!!

   'What the hell is this?' Dev really lost it.

   'Actually there is no easy way saying it. I am breaking up with you. Technically it is not a break up as I never said nor loved you. Anyways I have to be decent, right?' I gave him my best smile.

   Dev looked at me and Avinash back to back.

   'And I would like you to meet my new boy friend, Avinash' I smiled again.

   Dev looked like someone who's floor has just moved apart.

   'No, no,no' he shouted closing his ears.

   'Yes,yes, yes' I replied calmly and confidently.

   Though I hate to see him go through this torture, he deserved it. He deserved it for making Rith and Avi go through the pain.

   'Suhu, I think he said some bad things about me. It is not true. He is a womanizer. He is a fucking bastard' Dev shouted.

   What I wanted has just started. Dev is losing it. I want him to lose more.

   'Its nothing like that Dev. He didn't say anything bad against you. And I don't really care what you say about him. He is not a womanizer. And I trust him. I love him' I replied calmly.

   Dev looked completely shattered. I definitely know how hard I pushed his buttons. But I feel like I pushed them really hard.

   'You bastard' Dev shouted and pounched on Avinash. He pulled him apart and started beating him Karan went to his aid but he too got beaten.

   'Finally you got her. Only I deserve her you idiot. You don't deserve her' Dev hit Aviansh hard. Avi somehow managed to get up and stopped Dev.

   'I feared this. Thats why I made to go far away from us. All I wanted was her. And I knew if you were there it will never happen. Thats why I made Ritesh believe you as a womanizer. That's why I made that fake video. That's why I separated you away from the great Ritesh. You son of a bitch' Dev again pounced on Avinash.

   'Enough Dev' I heard a commanding voice booming around.

   Ofcourse it was indeed my best friend's voice. The Ritesh himself..



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