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   ‘Crap!’ I whispered.

   ‘I asked what is going on here’ Rith stepped forward. I and Anika stared at each other. Anika mouthed me that we are screwed.

   ‘Is everything alright, Suha?’ Rith asked me glaring at Avinash.

   I got my breath only after that. Rith thought that Avinash and Karan are troubling us.

   ‘Nothing, Rith. We just bumped into them’ I said.

   ‘Are you sure?’ Rith still didn’t take his eyes off Avinash.

   ‘Absolutely! What else it could be? We were not chitchatting with them’ Anika blabbered.

   ‘Ouch!’ Anika shouted as I kicked her.

   ‘What happened?’ Karan asked. I glared at him.

   ‘Rith I think we should go’ I said. We three left.


   ‘I am so exhausted’ Anika laid flat on the bed. I was exhausted too. My phone beeped.

   Devilhimself : Indeed, you were flirting.

   I smiled looking at the text. I knew exactly why he is doing this. But I am not a fool.

   My text : No, I was not. And you are doing this to just deflect my question. YOU ARE NOT A VIRGIN, ARE YOU?

   Devilhimself : You caught me. I am sorry to disappoint you. But yes, I am a first hand.

   My text : Seriously! They call you playboy and you are a virgin. Hilarious!!

   Devilhimself : I can’t do anything about those rumors. I am the most eligible bachelor in the city. I can’t help it.

   My text : Do you know that you are over-confident?

   Devilhimself : I call it differently. Self-confidence.

   My text : Whatever!

   Devilhimself : Admit it. You have a huge crush on me.

   My text : What? Where do you get all these stupid ideas?

   Devilhimself : By seeing how stupid you become when you around me.

   My text : This is too much. I don’t act stupid around you.

   Devilhimself : I didn’t say you act stupid. You become stupid when you see me.

   My text : Mr.DevilFace, you have very good imagination power. But I am sorry. I have no crush on you.

   Devilhimself : Oh God! If it is not crush, then it is worse.

   My text : What?

   Devilhimself : You love me? (laughing similey)

   My heart skipped a beat. I'm saying it seriously. It stopped beating for a moment

   My text : Seriously! How can you even think like it? I didn’t even like you.

   Devilhimself : Really! I don’t think so.

   My text : I don’t want you to believe me. Please continue living in your fantasy.

   Devilhimself : It is real. It is not fantasy. It is the TRUTH.

HE is my bestie's enemyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz