Chapter XXVI

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            The queen of Slytherin,

            Into the maze you go in,

            And with the cup you will win!”

            Every Slytherin sings in the crowd. The final task is finally here. The past few months have been a complete hell emotionally. Severus kept on making his way into my mind and creeping into every souvenir like he belonged there. I’m very frustrated because he doesn’t tell me what is happening but I know that he’s trying to help me. By going back in time with every pieces of memento, I realized that he has tried to be there when I needed it. I’m stubborn, I can’t help it.

            I have been rushing to class for studies and teaching since I kept on training. It started off by three nights a week but evaluated into every night. I decided to add the morning as well. I can’t really go on like this: I need some help and I know I can get it. All I have to do is really want it.

            I feel my eyes close as we gather around Dumbledore. I haven’t been sleeping much. The only think I have been doing was having horrible nightmares. I got paler, I don’t eat, I’m tired but I’m determinate to finish this and solve everything out in my life. It’s not a question of winning anymore: all I want is to end this. I can take care of everything else later. I hope so…

            For now, all I have to worry about is to get to the end of this so all my worries can fade away. I won’t have any major troubles.

            Cedric, Harry and I enter the maze first. Moody is with Harry, Amos is with his son and Severus is with me. I stand in front of the opening just like the others. He places a hand on my shoulder and waits with me. I change my weight from my left leg to the right one as I feel my knees shake. I won’t lie, I’m terrified. I’m not ready and I might be led by my fear of small spaces. I didn’t have any problem with them since I was always with either Fred or George but, right now, I’ll be on my own.

            Fred came here with me. It reminded me of the second task: George was there for me. I have never seen him so upset. He’s mad but looks sad. Fred, on the other hand, told me he was more scared for me then for himself. He said he knew I wouldn’t have hurt him but, as he said that, the thoughts in my head were about to make me smirk as they knew they would have done it. My heart and my mind have been in a constant war for as long as I remember. I’ve always said to trust the mind first but it’s bringing me places I don’t want to go to. My heart is the rock the rock that keeps me to the ground so I don’t drift away too far. The only problem is that, by letting my heart control me in moments of weakness, it drifts me back to Fred. I can’t tame my heart or mind. When I need my head, it pulls me to a dark hole and when I use my heart, it pulls me towards someone instead of pulling me towards somewhere. I’m in a trap with a good but fragile place on my left and a bad but secure place on my right. It’s like it’s pulling my arms: I can’t fight both of them off or else I’ll end up breaking. I start to consider going towards the secure place. Darkness isn’t as bad as it looks like…


            I look up and frown at Snape who isn’t looking at me.

            “What?” I ask.

            He stares down and frowns as well.

            “I didn’t say anything.” He says.

            There goes the voice again. The way starts to clear in front of me as I hear the canon explode. Snape’s hand slides off my shoulder and my courage suddenly leaves me. It’s like he sucked it up with him and leaves my pockets empty.

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