Chapter II

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            We leave the house few minutes after we started to eat.

            “Be safe there!” Molly screams from the house.

            We all wave to her and walk towards the forest. It was still early in the morning. The cold air of the night was still floating around us. Fred –on my left- places his hand in the right pocket I had behind my pants as George –on my right- places his hand in the left one. I wrap each of my arms around their waist and we walk like this for a moment.

            “Dad! Where are we going?” Ron asks loudly.

            As we gradually walked, groups were formed. Harry and Ron were in the back, Hermione and Ginny were whispering to each other and Fred, George and I were behind Arthur.

            “Arthur!” I hear some say few feet away from us. A man with glasses is standing next to a big tree and waves at us.

            Arthur and him shake hands and talk a bit. Once every catch up to us, Arthur turns to us and introduces us to him.

            “This is Amos Diggory.”

            Diggory? As in…

            “And this…” A boy jumps down the tree and lands next to Amos. “Is Cedric Diggory.” Arthur finishes.

            They shake hands start the walk. Amos and Harry stay in the back while Fred, George and I keep following Arthur. Cedric approaches with a big smile.

            “Hey Analeigh.” He says.

            I take my hands away from the twins and hug Cedric. We’ve been friends for a while now. He’s a very nice guy. He sometimes acts like a little spoil child but it’s not so bad. We were in the same classes almost every year since our first year. I preferred Fred and George’s company, so I left Cedric and went back to them.

            “Since when have you been so friendly to him?” George asks.

            I shrug my shoulders and keep walking. I don’t see him as a friend actually but as a good acquaintance. He sees me as a good friend though. He asked me out once but I knew he was into Cho at that time so I refused. Cedric and the whole Slytherin group –such as Draco, Pansy, Crabbe, Goyle and others- think I’m pretty cool just because I know a bit more spells. Coming from a Muggle surrounding, magic was something I wanted to learn more then anything. That’s how I got closer to Hermione. People misjudge her just because she loves to study something she never thought existed. I understand her and she understands me.

            “We’re here!” Arthur screams

            We’ve been walking for an hour or so. Fred was carrying my bag and I was on George’s back. We all stop in front of a boot which I suppose was a port key. Arthur, Amos, Cedric and I take a grip on it and wait for everyone to take it. As soon as Amos is done with the count down, the port key spins and takes us away. I smile as I feel us leave. I love port keys and I’m used to apparate everywhere I go so I wasn’t getting sick from our little trip.

            “Let go children!” Arthur screams.

            “What?!” Hermione yells back.

            “Come on!” Arthur adds.

            Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred, George and Ginny let go and scream. These kids never used a port key I see. Amos, Cedric, Arthur and I let go of it and start to walk in mid air. As we get down, all of the others are laying on the ground. My feet touch the ground and I walk to the twins. George is rubbing his head and Fred is just lying on his back with his eyes closed. I laugh at their little stunt and offer them a hand. Fred takes the right one and George takes the left one. I grab my bag from the floor and we continue our walk.        We start to walk between many tents and wizards having fun. Few people ride their broomsticks above our heads which makes me want to do the same. Arthur leads us to our own tent and tells us to go in. I’m the first one to enter and I’m not disappointed of what I see. Everything is so big with a huge table, a nice kitchen and few rooms with beds. I go towards the big table and sit on a very comfortable chair. Fred and George are following me.

            “Ron, get out of the kitchen!” Arthur warns him.

            “Yes Ron, out of the kitchen!” George and Fred say as they put their feet on the table.

            “Feet off the table.” Arthur adds.

            “Feet off the table!” George and Fred mimic.

            Once Arthur is looking away, they put their feet back on the table. I shake my head and laugh.

            “This place is amazing.” I tell them.

            They both nod and lay back in their chairs. I stretch my arms on the table and lay my head on it. The sleep I didn’t get the night before started to haunt me. I yawn and close my eyes.

            I feel weightless all of a sudden which makes me feel dizzy –like I was about to fall down a mountain. I open my eyes and try to regain my balance but I soon realize that it was George who was lifting me off the chair. I’m in his arms and feel like a bride for a quick second.

            “What are you doing Georgie?” I ask with my tired voice.

            Was I asleep? For how long?

            “Carrying you to bed. You fell asleep and so did everyone.” He answers while whispering.

            I look down as we walk and see Fred asleep at the table. I then look over George’s shoulder and see Ginny and Hermione sleep in a room and Harry, Ron and Arthur in another. He carries me in the other side of the tent where a –queen size looking- bed was waiting for us. He slowly puts me down in the middle and goes back to the living room. Few seconds pass and Fred arrives as well. He lays down on my left as George pulls the curtains –that replace the door- down. He crawls on my right and rests on his back with his right hand behind his head. He opens his left for me to snuggle closer to him. I place my head on his chest and he hugs me close to him. Fred simply throw one of his arm around my waist and goes back to sleep. I close my eyes and concentrate on the heat George and Fred are creating. I take a deep breathe and smell their amazing natural scent.

            “Thank you.” I whisper.



            I open my eyes and feel a hand rub my belly. I look over my shoulder and see Freddie with one of his eye open. I look up to check if Georgie is still asleep and slowly lean away from him. Fred pulls me slightly towards him and puts his hand at the bottom of my back. I turn around and wrap my arms around me. My body still felt quite tired but I felt better then I did few hours ago. He still had only one eye open.

            “Still tired?” I asked.

            He shakes his head and smiles a little bit. He’s lying. I place my head on his arm and cuddled closer to him. I feel cold. I slide my right arm under the arm that was holding my back and hug him close to me. I felt lonely. He hugs me back and kisses the top of my head few times. I felt broken. I stop thinking and just stare blankly at nothing. I don’t know if seconds are passing or minutes. Fred loosens his grip but I quickly grab his arms and stop him from moving.

            “No. Don’t go.” I almost beg him.

            He looks down at me with concern in his eyes but grabs me again but tighter. The closer I was, the louder I could hear his heart pound through his chest. I feel tears building up inside of me and a big pain in my heart. My pulse is accelerating which makes my breathing uneven.

            “Ana! Ana, are you alright?” Freddie asks as he looks down at me.

            I squeeze my eyes shut as the feeling of a sharp dagger cuts me in half. My hand flies to my chest and squeezes my shirt. I moan in pain and wake up George by accident. A buzzing sound fills my ears and I can’t hear anything but messy whispers.

            I open my eyes and the feeling is gone. I’m in Freddie’s arms. Was I dreaming? Was all of this just a nightmare? The pain felt real. And it’s not the first time that something so realistically painful happens. I had this since I was very young but I didn’t tell anyone. I woke up normally and the pain wasn’t present the moment my eyes open. Was I going mental? Am I already mental? What is wrong with me?

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