Chapter XXII

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            I run until I can finally think correctly and find out where I am. If I make a right here, I’ll be few halls away from the Great Hall. I go for it right away and hope to see Fred or George. Every time I breathe, my lungs hurt and I can feel the dry tears on my cheeks. I feel like my eyes are bowls filled with water that threatens to spill everywhere if I run too fast. I shut my eyes and shake all of this away.

            I reach the Great Hall and see the heavy doors closed. I try to push one of them open but nothing moves.

            “Reducto!” I cast.

            I don’t care about unlocking the door, I want to see destruction. The doors get hit slightly but not enough for me to get in.

            “Bombarda Maxima!”

            The doors fly open and collapse on the floor violently. I run in and fall to my knees. I start to cough uncontrollably. I put my free hand in front of my mouth and, as I can finally breathe correctly, notice some drops of blood on my palm.


            I look up right away and see George and Fred standing on the right and left side of the room. I get up and take a step forward. My forehead meets something solid. I rub it with the back of my hand and stretch my other hand out. I feel some sort of glass in front of me. I feel around and soon realize that I’m trapped.

            I turn around and see Fred and George pointing their wands at each other.

            “What are you doing?” I ask quietly, too surprised to see such serious in their expression.

            “Crucio!” Fred casts at George who falls to his knees whilst screaming in agony.

            “NO!” I scream.

            I want to get out of this prison! I want to make it explode! I need to get out! I can’t use Confringo or I’ll get hurt as well. I press my palms on my ears but I can still hear George scream and cry out for help even if I try as hard as I can do convince myself that this isn’t real.

            “Analeigh! Please!” I hear George say.

            “STOP IT!” I scream.

            The box around me explodes in flames which startles Fred and stops the curse on George. I run to him but Fred uses the stupefy spell on me. I fly backwards and meet the floor with my back. I can’t breathe for a second but can stand up after. I need to get Fred away from George. I can still remember how Fred feared snakes when he was younger.

            “Seprensortia.” I say as I point my wand to him.

            A big snake storms towards Fred. It wraps itself around his legs which makes him fall to the ground.

            “Periculum.” Fred casts whilst falling.

            The red lights sparkles fly in front of my face and shine too bright and too close to me. I close my eyes and cover them with my arm. It burns a little but I need to get to George.

            “Incarcerous.” I cast over my shoulder to Fred, in case he tries to get up.

            I kneel in front of George and turn him on his back. As soon as he is laying down, he points his wand at me.

            “Everte Statum.” He says.

            I feel a great pressure on my chest like someone is pushing me backwards. I fly back and land on my back again. I get up quickly and see Fred and George point their wands at each other again.

            “I was trying to protect you Analeigh! Protect you form him!” Fred says.

            I point my wand but I don’t know at who: Fred just used Crucio against George and George just send me flying back when I tried to help him.

            “What is going on?” I ask as I shift my wand form George to Fred.

            “He’s trying to kill you, that’s what’s going on!” George says.

            “What? Didn’t you just use a spell against her? I was trying to rescue her from you.” Fred replies.


            This isn’t real.


            “Expelliarmus.” I cast in the air.

            The spell breaks in half and goes straight to both of them. Their wands fly towards me and I catch them.

            “That’s enough.” I say.

            They look at me with anger in their eyes and they start towards me.

            “How dare you take our wands?” Fred says.

            George pushes me on the ground. I back off until my back meets the corner of the room. Fred takes their wands quickly out of my hands. Both of them are now pointing them at me. I try to beg for forgiveness but before I can do anything, something horrible catches my attention: their eyes turned red.

            I am in Fred’s position and they are at mine, just like in my dream. I’m frightened when I come to realize something: nobody is there to take George’s place and stop them from attacking me.

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