Chapter XXI

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            On the 24th of April, Viktor, Cedric, Fleur, Harry and I will be part of the third task. We are only few days before it starts and I still have no idea of what will happen. I am sitting with Moody in his classroom as he teaches. I am sitting very uncomfortably in my seat because Fred is in the classroom. I don’t want to exchange any sort of eye contact so I just cross my arms and stare at Moody walking around, the chalk board or at my feet. I hardly listen to what he says because my mind is everywhere but in this classroom. I don’t even know what I’m thinking about exactly, I just think.

            “Miss Lavinia.”

            I look up immediately and see all the students look at me. As I feared, I end up looking at Fred and share a stare.

            “Yes professor?” I ask.

            “Will you help me with the demonstration?” He asks.

            I frown but stand up. What am I supposed to demonstrate? I stand next to Moody and face him.

            “It is possible to resist the Imperius Curse. It is similar to Occlumency but… not exactly.” He explains to the classroom and points his wand towards me.

            My eyes grow wide as I understand that he’s about to use this curse on me. I knew he was crazy but this is a bit too much. I never tried to resist the Imperius Curse and I never had to use Occlumency.

            “Imperio!” He says.

            I feel relaxed all of a sudden and don’t think about much. I see everything, I can hear everything but I don’t think. I feel like skipping through the desks so I do it. Students are laughing and I am too. Once I’m next to Fred, I place my hand on his shoulder and push myself on his desk. After my little round, I stand next to Moody again and smile at him. I feel nostalgic but I don’t have any reasons to.

            “Since I have her under my control but she can’t do anything else but do everything I say, I will tell her to resist my spell.”

            My brain functions normally again but I feel like I’m battling something in my mind. What a crazy man! I need to fight him off and the only way I can is to concentrate enough to push it away. I am quite embarrassed of what I just did making it difficult to think about anything else then how stupid I must’ve looked.

            “You need to concentrate miss Lavinia.” He says like he is scolding me.

            Push this crazy man out of your mind Analeigh! I don’t know what to concentrate on so I just stare at Moody and imagine him trying to push a door open whilst I push it in the other direction so he can’t come in. Once the imagine pops in my head, I realize just how strong he is pushing. I know I can’t do it and, honestly, I don’t want to do it. I let go of the door and let him storm in.

            I feel wistful again. He frowns and purses his lips in a straight line.

            “Unfortunately, resisting to such a curse can be complicated.” He says to the class.

            He lets go of the curse and I am back in the class again.

            “Class dismissed.” He says.

            Everyone stands up and leaves quickly.

            “Can I have a word with you miss Lavinia.” Moody says as he waits near the door of his private office.

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