Chapter XI

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            I am walking towards the Charm class. I have my first class on teaching with professor Flitwick and I’m a little nervous. I woke up early to be sure that I remembered every note and every spells. I walk in the room and see only few students.

            “Ah! Miss Lavinia. We have sixth year’s students today. Since you just finished it, the spells must be inked in your memory.” Professor Flitwick said.

            I nod and smile as I sit on a chair next to his desk. He hands me a piece of paper on which is written ‘Nonverbal spells’. I have been using nonverbal spells a lot during my lessons since the middle of last year.

            Fred and George run into the classroom as the bell rings in the school. I cross my arms and wait for them to sit down. As soon as they see me, they completely stop and smile at me.

            “Misters Weasley, you can sit down now.” Professor Flitwick points out as he steps on a pile of books so everyone can see him.

            They sit down but keep staring at me. I stick out my tongue at them which makes them laugh a bit. Flitwick shoots them a dirty look to make them shut up. They brush their mouth and look down at their desks.

            “Today, Miss Lavinia will give you your class. She is practicing with us so be kind and don’t be too mean to her, understood Weasleys?” He says with a harsh voice.

            They nod and keep themselves from laughing. I can see their lips wiggling as they tried to keep it for themselves. Flitwick gets down and tells me to stand up.

            “What? Aren’t you supposed to help me?” I ask him anxiously.

            He smiles and shakes his head.

            “I am sure you’ll be great! Come on now, everything is on this paper.” He says and starts to write down on some parchments.

            Great. I stand up slowly but can’t walk to the middle of the class. My nerves are kicking in really hard. Professor Flitwick pushes me forward and gives me a confident smile. I finally stand in front of all of these sixth years. I take a deep breath and concentrate on the conversation I had with Fred and George before.


            “Just look at us if you feel nervous.” Fred says.

            “You’re going to make me laugh or more nervous, I know you.” I reply as I twirl my thumbs together.

            George puts his hand on my shoulder and Fred rubs my back.

            “We would never do this. We know it’s important to you!” George points out.

            I look up and see that they were telling the truth. I smile and relax a bit.


            I can do this! Just do what they told me to do. I turn around and look at both of them. I soon as I am facing them, they smile and nod one time.

            “Nonverbal spells. A nonverbal spell is a spell which is performed without saying the incantation out loud. Students are expected to use spells nonverbally from now on. Performing spells non-verbally is very difficult and requires a good deal of practice, as it requires concentration and mental discipline alone. Some spells, such as Levicorpus, are easier to perform nonverbally than others. Most spells, however, seem to be less effective than normal when the incantation is not said.” I start to explain.

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