Chapter VIII

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            I manage to gather enough energy into my right arm and lift it up to George’s head. I brush his hair as his lips calmly touch my neck and slide to the side of my mouth. I turn my head towards him. Just then, the small distance between he and I leave me breathless. I see him smirk before pushing his lips to mine. I turn on my heals and wrap my arms around his neck in a swift moment without breaking the kiss. His right arm is now around my waist as his left arm is brushing my side. He is very confident of his moves. One of my arms gets away from the back of his neck and hungrily touches the skin his blouse is hiding. I feel another pair of hands on my waist. I stop the kiss and lean away. My movement is blocked by Fred’s torso on my back. I look up and I suddenly feel so tinny next to their built and tall bodies. I can see them undress me with their eyes which wakes up my insecurities and let a weave of shyness drown me. Freddie leans closer to me and pecks my lips quickly.

            “Close your eyes honey.” He whispers.

            I do so but not because he asked. I don’t think I’ll be able to deal with their eyes on me like this. The strong butterflies continue their parade in my stomach but quickly change into a tornado of hell and pain.

            I open my moist eyes.

            I’m facing the door with my arms around my shaking body. I turn around quickly and see the twins walk towards me, fully clothed into their uniforms. Their smiles fade away very quickly the second I feel a tear slide down my face. Before they can do anything I walk towards they beds.

            “I need to tell you something.” I say as I point them to their beds for them to sit.

            Instead of sitting in front of me, they go on each side of me. I look down at my hands as I twirl my thumb nervously. I don’t want to see their judging eyes when I’ll tell them that I have a possibility of mental issues.

            “These dreams are killing me emotionally. I…” I don’t know if I should speak up. I don’t even know why I would tell them such things. But if I had the idea to do so originally, then that means the idea isn’t as crazy as I think it is. “I dream of you two.” I finally say after an unexpected and heavy silence.

            I don’t hear them say anything so I continue.

            “It started in the tent at the Quidditch match when I woke up and Fred hugged me. I dreamed of Fred when I was in the shower and then of George when Molly called us for breakfast. I just woke up from another one that woke up so many things at the same time.” I hardly say between few dry sobs.

            “The thing is that my dreams are not like yours Georgie. I don’t dream of you two dying. I dream about a feeling I’ve never felt before. A feeling that, when it’s too strong, transforms into this big pain. It hurts me so bad but I can’t do anything about it. The moment is so real that I can’t settle reality apart from fiction.” I finish.

            I hear the door knob being turned and few knocks on the door. I stand up quickly as soon as I realize that people might think weird things about a Slytherin girl locked into the Gryffindor’s dorm room with two guys. I think I prefer walking away right now then having to deal with Fred and George’s thoughts. I walk to the door, open it and push my way through everyone. I look down at the floor the entire time.

            I am pushed on the side but it wasn’t just a simple bump: someone shoved me aside.

            “Look where you’re going Slytherin.” Angelina says in disgust.

            Something inside of me just brakes. I reach for my wand in my pocket but before I can point it towards her pathetic being, Fred hugs me so I can’t move my arms.

            “Let’s go.” He whispers and pushes me towards the door.

            George is in front of us, clearing the way towards the exit.

            “And don’t come back.” She adds.

            I try to jerk away from Fred’s arms and jinx her down but his grip tightens every time I try to move. The painting closes behind us and he pushes me on the wall.

            “Don’t listen to her Analeigh. She’s just messing around.” He says.

            “Yeah, really funny.” I coldly say.

            I try to move away but he doesn’t let me go. I see George standing behind Fred with a worried look on his face. This reminds me too much of the dream and it makes me very uncomfortable. I feel my cheeks burning and my nerves kicking in.

            “Let go of me.” I say quietly.

            I try to move but he just holds my arms tighter. I feel my forehead getting warmer as I start to sweat a bit. My heart beats really fast and creates a lot of unneeded adrenaline in my body.

            “Look at me Analeigh. You’re drifting away, stay with me Analeigh.” Fred says.

            I try to look at him but the image gets blurry by the seconds. I don’t feel my eyes getting wet. I am not crying.

            “Please Fred, let me go.” I beg him but this time a little louder.

            He pulls me towards him and wraps his hands around me. I need space, I don’t feel good. He needs to let go of me. I don’t need him. I don’t need either of them. I am weak. I am weak because of them!

            “You’re the reason why I’m feeling like this!” I say with a voice that doesn’t sound like mine.

            I push him away but can only see George and Fred as dots moving around. My vision changed and so did my voice. They look like regular students: I couldn’t recognize them if I saw them like this in a crowd. They are the reason I’m weak, they are the reason I feel so unstable. I shake my head and close my eyes in hope that all of this is just a bad dream and that I will eventually wake up. I can see a bit better once I open my eyes. They jump back as soon as I look up at them. I can’t feel my legs for a quick second but before I can fall, George grabs my right arm and Fred takes my left arm. They take me to a bathroom and open the sink. I put my hands on it and try to steady myself. I shake my head once more and wash my face with the water. When I look up at the mirror, I am almost sure I saw my eyes turn from a deep red to my natural color. I look so pale and fragile which scares me. I look back and see a George and a Fred trying to catch their breath whilst sitting on the floor.

            “We have to tell you something too, Analeigh.” George says.

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