Chapter IXX

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            I turn my back at the mirror and look over my shoulder. I feel like there is something wrong with this dress. It’s wearing me and not the opposite. I face the mirror once more and gasp of annoyance. I need to feel like it is my accessory and I am not its. I take a deep breath and let my shoulders fall. On someone else’s body, the white dress would look stiff and straight but I am giving it curves and beautiful and healthy shapes. The plain and pale colour would’ve outshine the other person wearing it but it fits perfectly with my skin tone with a mix of light caramel and complete white. I look at my hair and touch the white piece I pinned above my left ear. My lips are as red as blood which makes them look smoother and sweeter. I finally look at my eyes. They stand up so much. I can’t stop looking at them myself. I touch my shoulder and enjoy the touch of the fabric. The white dress is sleeveless and finishes right above my knees but the layer on top, a nice lace fabric that creates multiple paths of small flowers, covers my arms completely and go down to my feet. The combination of the two dresses is perfect because the laced layer doesn’t hide the dress under it. I slide my hands down my sides and smile.

            I suddenly feel breathless as I remember the feel of George’s hands on the exact same place mines are right now. His tender caress on me felt mesmerizing that day. I can still see him lean over me and smile down. I can feel his hands on my side to lift me on his lap and his head tilt back in pleasure.

            I smile and open my eyes –that were surprisingly closed. I breathe in deeply and feel the butterflies tickle my stomach at the familiar feeling. I cross my arms over my chest and put my hands on my shoulder at the same time. I slide them down slowly and feel breathless once more as I recall Fred’s finger tips brush my arms so tenderly. His eyes locked on mine and a tired smile on his lips. His hands firmly holding my elbows as he shuts his eyes and places his forehead on my chest while a faint moan escapes his mouth.

            I shake my head as I start to drift away in memories. I turn in my dress and see the bottom lift a little revealing my vide heels. I smile and look up the Gryffindor common room stairs. I prepared here with Hermione. She is very nervous and I completely understand why. I would be very anxious if I knew that the one and only Viktor Krum is waiting for me downstairs.

            “Are you almost ready Hermione?” I ask loudly.

            “I’m coming down right now.” She replies.

            I see the door open and can only see her hair tied up. My jaw drops as I see a gorgeous Hermione wearing the most beautiful dress I have ever seen. She has the most beautiful accessory on her: the brightest smile she could wear.

            I can’t help but put my hands on my mouth to hide how wide it is open and walk to her. I hug her tight in my arms.

            “I’ll look awful next to you that’s for sure.” I say playfully.

            I hear her laugh. I lean away but leave my hands on her shoulders. She takes a deep and long breath. I can feel her shoulders fall slightly and a relaxed expression on her face. She nods once to tell me that she is ready to go down. I grab her hand and we both walk down to the Great Hall.

            I take a quick look around the corner of the hall and see Harry and one of the Patil twins –Parvati I think. I look past them and see Viktor. As soon as he sees me and hide behind the wall and turn to Hermione.

            “He looks handsome!” I tell her.

            She smiles but I can still feel that she is nervous.

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