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september 13

annies perspective

after the bell rang i calmly walked to second period, which was then again math, the worst subject, and the worst teacher. i sat in my assigned seat next to ashers, but he wasn't here. a few minutes later he walked in looking very confused, like he was lost or something. he sat by me and put all his books down, he was so un-orgized. his books were scattered all across his desk, he looks at me and flips his hat on his head.
"hey annie, how are you." he switches his hat backwards. "i'm good um. could you please keep you stuff off my desk?" i ask. "oh sorry about that, my apology." he shoves everything to the side and pushed it against the wall. "thank you." i respond. he nods and mr. peter began the lesson. he asked us if we had done the homework, and as he said that ashers face went straight and his eyes were wide open.

he raised his hand, "uh peter i don't think you assigned us to d-" he walked over to where he was sitting and responded with, "yknow asher, if i were you i would have payed attention." i got scared by him just raising his voice even though he wasn't yelling at me. i scoot my chair back a little bit, he looked over at me and walked back to the board and continued his lesson.

a few minutes had passed and he asked all of us to put our homework in the bin, i suddenly quickly got up and handed it in. i look over to see asher, he was the only one who hasn't got up, i supposed he maybe forgot to do it. i write down on a piece of paper to him the note had said 'i'll give you the answers don't worry." i slide the note under the desk and pat him on the shoulder as i pass it down. he looked down at it and grabbed the note and read it. he then wrote down 'thanks for the offer but i'd pass on that.' i read the note and look over at him.

the period was soon over and we walked out of the class laughing our way to our lockers. i couldn't relate to anyone more then him, my next period was gym. i walk in to gym class and notice my phone in my pocket. i look back at the gym doors and forgotten to put my phone in my locker. since we weren't aloud our phones near the gym, i put it on the table in the gym, i covered it with my jacket overtop.

after gym was over, i lift up my jacket and seen that my phone was gone, i gasp and searched every pocket i had. i started freaking out, i asked everyone who was in the premises if they had seen it. but then i see my gym teacher holding my phone in her hand, she walked over to me. "leblanc this is a no phone zone." i look at her with a straight face and one eyebrow up. "i know i'm sorry." she told me to go to the office, i was sweating as i was waiting in the office, i was here once again. i put my hand on my cheek. i look over to see asher was here too.

cherish- author

i have no words

 ✔ | 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐞 | ashannieTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon