Chapter 2: A Good Horse

Start from the beginning

She crept over to it, and stroked its neck. She had one last check, coast was clear. She unhitched it, jumped on its back, and kicked it on. It went quickly, from a halt to a gallop. This was a fine horse, she thought. The horse hadn't gone more than about twenty yards, when she heard a shrill whistle. The horse immediately reared up, and turned, sending her flying, as she landed on her back with a thud.

She lay there for only a second, "Crap," she hissed, under her breath. Casie scuttled to her feet, but not fast enough, as she heard the whoosh of a lasso. Then it tightened round her, sending her flying back to floor, with another thud. Without a moment to think, she was already being tied up. "Fuck off, you mother fucking cow-son-of-a-bitch!" she screamed. "Fucking perverts, let me go!"

Arthur picked her up, and held her by the arms. She turned her head, and tried to bite his arm. Not fast enough, as he quickly moved his other arm, around her neck, to put her in a headlock.

"Let me go, you cock sucking pervert!" she screamed, and tried to kick him.

He carried her back to the tent, in the centre of the compound. Dutch Van Der Linde, walked out of the tent, and stood in front of her, with his arms folded.

"So you thought you would steal my horse, that's a mighty fine way to reward our hospitality isn't it?" He chided.

"Let me go, you mother fucking son of a whore!" She screamed.

The man, who she had kicked in the balls the previous day, walked up, "I like her," he said, "she's got spunk." Arthur glared at Micah, not releasing his grip, on the squirming girl, "shut up, Micah." He growled. "You're not helping!"

Dutch laughed, "now then boys, lets not encourage her."

"Arthur," he said, "let her go, I'm not sure I can stand much more of the foul language, coming from her mouth."

Arthur threw her on the floor, releasing the ropes as he did. As she landed, Dutch put his foot on her arm, applying just enough pressure, to stop her from getting up.

Casie turned to look at him, with rage in her eyes. "Get off my arm you..."

He glared down at her, "don't you dare let another cuss word, come out of your mouth," he growled. "Least of all directed at me." He pressed a little harder, with his foot.

"Get off, you're hurting me!" She screamed.
"Yes I am," he replied calmly. "And I will, until you start behaving like a human being, and less like a feral cat!"

Casie lay on the floor, still raging, trying to calm her rage. She knew this law-man, wouldn't let her up, until she did.

Dutch released some of the pressure, and offered her a hand. "Don't even think about biting me either," he said, softening his look just slightly. She took the offer of his hand, and he released his foot. Once she was on her feet, she snatched her hand away.

She straightened her clothes, and glared at him.

"I want my Pa's gun, then I'll go."

Dutch looked at the girl, Micah was right, she had a helluva lot of spunk. But, he thought, that may well be her undoing.

He walked back into his tent, and came out with the gun. He doubted that it would fire.

Dutch handed Casie the gun, she took it, and shoved it in her trousers.

"Here, take this," he offered her a ten dollar bill.

She gave him a filthy look. "Keep ya money, Law-man, I ain't no charity case," she said, and walked down the track, out of the camp.

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