Part Two - Chapter Eleven: Parenthood

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Cristiano grinned quickly climbing out of his car and hurrying around to help Alexa from the car, the couple had just arrived in Vilamoura and Cristiano was thrilled his son was finally home.

“Would you relax,” Alexa said amused climbing out of the car, she had never seen Cristiano like this before and the last few hours had been spent with him fussing over her and Junior.

Cristiano shook his head watching Alexa as she carefully moved to pick up the car seat that held Junior inside; he was sleeping soundly unaware that he was at his new home.

Junior would spent the first couple of months of his life living in Vilamoura with Alexa before they moved back to Madrid; Cristiano was hoping to keep his small family out of the lime-light.

“Is he okay?” Cristiano asked peeking at his son, he was only a few hours old but everything seemed so perfect; he hadn’t wanted to linger in Lisbon for too long especially since Heather was still there.

Alexa nodded her head, she was surprised at how Cristiano was acting it was almost like she’d been the one to give him the child and not someone else; he was being so tender with her right now that it made her feel odd.

Cristiano hurried Alexa and the baby into his home, he wanted to get them settled as soon as possible; he was due to leave for the world cup in three days and he would be gone until Portugal was knocked out.

Alexa peeked around the house that she only saw every few months, it felt odd that she was here now with a baby; she was sure that she would be able to manage her new role in life.

“What do we do now?” Cristiano asked, he was only used to dealing with his nieces and nephews and he never really had them around for long.


Alexa brushed her fingers through her hair, she smiled watching her new son while he slept in his cot; she was the first of her siblings to have a child so that was as knew to her as it was to Cristiano.

Alexa hadn’t even told her family what had transpired, it had been only hours since she had become a mother and she wasn’t sure how to break the news just yet.

Cristiano smiled softly as he padded into the nursery and wrapped his arms around Alexa, he pressed a kiss to her neck; he was thrilled that everything had worked out so well for them.

“Come to bed,” Cristiano murmured peeking down at his son, he didn’t know how he had managed to create something perfect but he was sure that Alexa would be the perfect mother for him.

Alexa nodded her head turning to face Cristiano, she kissed him softly as she ran her fingers through his hair; she was still surprised that everything had worked out so well.

“I love you,” Alexa whispered allowing Cristiano to lead her from the nursery and to their own bedroom, she made sure to grab hold of the baby monitor on the way out.

Cristiano chuckled looking at his fiancée, she was wearing her cream hedgehog print top and bottoms; she looked so relaxed and he was glad she wasn’t freaking out about all of this.

“I love you too,” Cristiano replied shutting their bedroom door, he took the baby monitor and set it down; he truly doubted that Junior would be waking up anytime soon.

It had been a long day for the newborn, he had come into the world, gotten a new mother and travelled down from Lisbon to Vilamoura which had taken two and a half hours.

“Let’s get some sleep,” Alexa said softly, she didn’t think Junior would truly sleep long before he wanted feeding.

Cristiano chuckled and shook his head, he knew what he wanted to do and he was sure that everything would be fine and Junior would sleep perfectly.

Cristiano ducked down his head to kiss Alexa when Junior started to cry, he groaned dropped his head to her shoulder as Alexa chuckled amused.

“I’ll be back,” Alexa said gently pulling away, she walked back into the nursery leaving Cristiano behind; she was glad that Dolores had offered to help out since she was still a little stuck when it came to a lot of things.

Alexa walked back into the nursery and headed to pick Junior up, she smiled softly staring down at the newborn before she lifted him up into his arms.

Alexa carefully fixed his blue stripe print sleep suit, she gently cuddled Junior close checking that he didn’t need his nappy changing; she pressed a kiss to his head walking out of the nursery.

“Is he okay?” Cristiano asked leaning against the door frame, his eyes looking at the tiny person in her arms; his heart skipped a beat whenever he saw Alexa holding his, no their son.

Alexa nodded her head, she wasn’t surprised that he had come after her; Cristiano was determined to make sure that Alexa bonded with the newborn, he could already see a bond forming and he was so happy.


“When are you going to tell your parents?” Cristiano asked when Alexa climbed back into bed, he looked at her knowing that they wouldn’t be able to hide this for long; he doubted it would end well if they did.

Alexa paused looking at Cristiano, she spoke mostly with her siblings since she didn’t get along with her mother; Martha determined to get her claws into her famous daughter.

“I don’t know,” Alexa said chewing on her lip, she truly didn’t want to tell her parents yet even if Cristiano had announced the birth of his son on his social media.

It wouldn’t be long before Alexa’s family was calling her to see how she was coping; Alexa didn’t mind telling her siblings and grandparents that she had adopted the newborn.

Alexa only feared telling her mother and father, she didn’t want Martha selling more stories to the press; Cristiano could only do so much to stop her from talking.

“We could do it tomorrow… it’s better if they hear it from us,” Cristiano said softly, he wrapped his arms around Alexa; they were happy and he wasn’t going to allow anything to take that from them.

Alexa nodded her head, she felt so tired and it had been an extremely long day for the couple; she had a feeling that they wouldn’t be getting much sleep with Junior now in their lives.

Cristiano smiled softly watching Alexa slowly fall asleep, he knew that this hadn’t been easy on her but he loved the bond that she shared with their son.

Cristiano pressed a kiss to the top of her head as Alexa slept, he loved her so much and he worried how she would cope while he was away.

Cristiano knew that his mother and sisters would keep her company and help with Junior, he just wished that he could stay with her for a little longer.

“I love you so much,” Cristiano whispered cuddling his fiancée, he couldn’t believe that he had her and a beautiful son; he hated that he wouldn’t see them for weeks and he wished they could come with him.

However it wasn’t possible since Junior was only a few hours old and Carlos Queiroz wasn’t allowing any of the spouses to fly out for the early stages of the tournament.

“I would do anything for you,” Cristiano said holding Alexa, he didn’t know what he would do if something ever took her from him; he hated to think what he would do if that ever happened.

Alexa was his soul-mate and she was now the mother of his child.

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