Part One - Chapter Twenty-Three: The Next Step

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Cristiano frowned as he leaned back in his sun-lounger, Alexa was sat next to him reading a book; she was quite happy to ignore them, she was wearing a purple floral and animal print moulded triangle bikini top and mini briefs.

Alexa looked at her boyfriend who was leaning back, she knew that he was annoyed by the media presence that weren’t leaving them alone and there was little that they could do about it.

“Ignore them,” Alexa murmured as she turned the page on her book, Cristiano smiled at her as he watched her; she was amazing and he loved how calm she was right now.

Alexa shifted her weight as she watched him, he wanted to protect her from the paparazzi but there wasn’t anything he could really do with him as famous as he was.

“So apart from lazing about on the beach… what are the plans for today?” Alexa asked making Cristiano look at her; he noted that the next time that he booked a holiday that he would make sure that there were things for them to do.

Alexa had already managed to drag Cristiano to the local museums and art galleries; he held back a groan wanting to relax.

Alexa rolled her eyes as she sat next to him, Cristiano ran a hand up her bare side and smiled at her before he pulled her into a kiss.

“I thought you didn’t want the press seeing us,” Alexa teased making Cristiano sigh as he sat up; he knew that they would be having a field-day with images of the two of them.

The two only had two days left before they travelled back to Madrid for the official start of the season; Alexa needed to enrol in Madrid University for her new course.

“Doesn’t mean we can’t have any fun in the villa,” Alexa teased making Cristiano look at her, things had been heading this way a lot lately; he stared at her for a moment wondering why she would say something like that to him.

“Don’t tease amor,” Cristiano said making Alexa roll her eyes as she kissed him, Cristiano wrapped his arms around her until she pulled away; she brushed her lips against his.

“Who says I’m teasing,” Alexa said before moving away from Cristiano and walking away from him after collecting her things as she did; he watched her walk away wondering what had brought this on and what she was trying to tell him.


Alexa locked herself in the bathroom, taking a deep breath; there was no doubt in her mind that she was ready for this, she had been thinking about this for a while.

Alexa couldn’t believe that she had somehow let Daniella take her lingerie shopping before they had left on holiday.

Her best friend had been spending a lot of time with Karim Benzema lately and Alexa wasn’t surprised that the media were now asking if the two were dating even she didn’t know the answer to that question.

Getting changed, Alexa had to admit that she was pleasantly surprised by the red Agent Provocateur quarter cup bra and thong that she had picked for tonight; she was a little nervous and she was sure that she wanted to do this.

Alexa ran her hands over the red lace that she was now wearing; it wasn’t long before she heard Cristiano returned from the beach and she took a deep nervous breath.

Alexa shifted in the bathroom nervously as she listened to him move about, she waited for the right moment to come before she would reveal herself to him.

“Lexi?” Cristiano called as he sat on the bed wondering where his girlfriend was, he was sure that she was here and he just wanted to know what was going on.

Alexa took a deep breath before she stepped out of the room and leant against the door; Cristiano stared at her unable to breathe at the sight of his girlfriend.

Alexa bit her lip as she watched Cristiano’s eyes trail along her body, she was suddenly grateful that she had taken a couple of drama classes in high school; she could act a lot more confident that she felt right now.

“What do you think?” Alexa asked softly as she brushed some hair from her eyes, she was sure that she wanted this and she knew that she would rather her first time be with Cristiano than anyone else.

Cristiano swallowed wondering if he remembered how to speak, he had seen Alexa naked before but it didn’t compare to seeing her wearing sexy lingerie for him.

“I… you…” Cristiano spluttered as he stood and moved towards her, he couldn’t believe that he hadn’t known that she had something like this up her sleeve.

Cristiano captured her lips as he held her close his fingers tracing the bare skin; he couldn’t resist, she looked simply beautiful and he couldn’t keep his hands off her.

“Amor,” Cristiano murmured as he stepped back to take in the lingerie that she was wearing, he could tell that it was knew and he was in awe that she had done this.

Alexa shifted nervously before Cristiano kissed her again as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close; she hoped that he knew what she wanted because she couldn’t bring himself to say it.

“Are you sure?” Cristiano asked making Alexa nod, as she gently pulled them back to the bed, his lips meet her with urgently; he would make this a night to remember.


Cristiano smiled as he felt Alexa curl up tight against him, he looked down at the blonde who was now asleep; he still couldn’t believe that he had been her first.

Cristiano felt some pride in being her first; it meant the world to him that she had trusted him after only dating for nearly five months with something that special.

Cristiano ran a hand down her sun-kissed skin and smiled, she looked beautiful laying there next to him; his finger trailed along the tan line where her bikini had blocked the sun from tanning her skin.

Cristiano wished that they could stay at the beach for a while longer, he wanted to enjoy her more before they were forced to return to Madrid; things were going to be so busy and he worried what would happen next.

Cristiano kissed her head softly, he knew that she was giving up a lot just for him and he hoped that he was worth it; nobody had ever given up everything for him before.

Alexa was special and he would give her the world, he was never going to allow anyone to take her from him; the blonde was all he wanted and he would do anything to protect that.

Cristiano watched her sleeping, he was glad that she was continuing her education and he hoped that being with him wasn’t going to stop that.

Cristiano closed his eyes as the exhaustion from that afternoon’s activities caught up with him, he held Alexa close as he started to drift off; he loved her more than anything and would do anything to make her happy.

The footballer was going to be so busy when the season started and he had so much to prove with the price tag over his head, he was going to play his best this season and the world cup was coming up next year.

Alexa had a busy year ahead of her as well, she would be starting school soon and Cristiano knew that she would do well; she had her heart set on graduating and he was sure that she could do it.

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