Part One - Chapter Twenty-Nine: Making Time

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Cristiano kissed down Alexa neck as she got dressed for her class, she rolled her eyes as she turned to face him; they had both been so busy lately.

“Cris,” Alexa murmured as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into another kiss, Cristiano smiled as he kissed her softly.

“You have to go to training and I have classes,” Alexa said making him nod as they slowly moved back towards the bed; Cristiano wrapped his arms around her waist as he deepened the kiss.

Since Alexa had started her new job and started classes at university, Cristiano hadn’t seen her a lot and had taken to stealing moments with his girlfriend when he had a chance.

“It can wait,” Cristiano murmured as he started to remove lime crepe box top, she rolled her eyes as his hands moved along her bare stomach and down to her patch skinny jeans.

Alexa sighed as she kissed him softly, she was aware of how little time she had had with her boyfriend between shoots and studying Literature; she felt guilty and a little worried that he would stray.

“I have the day off tomorrow…” Alexa said pulling back slightly, Cristiano looked at her; she knew that he also had a day off from training before the team’s match against Xerez that weekend.

Alexa pressed a soft kiss to his lips, she didn’t want anything to come between them but they both had places that they needed to be.

“We could spend all day in bed,” Alexa said softly feeling Cristiano’s grip flex around her waist as he pulled her flush against his chest; he dipped his head lower to kiss her again.

“All day?” Cristiano asked as his hands traced her skin innocently; Alexa nodded as she brushed her lips against hers, she hated that she hadn’t really seen much of him the past week but it was going to be okay.

“All day,” Alexa promised him, Cristiano sighed as he released her, and she watched him for a moment as she pulled down her top; she hated that she couldn’t give him what he wanted right now.

Cristiano watched her as she did so, a little upset that he couldn’t see the bare flesh anymore; Alexa smiled at him softly, she knew that she’d have to make it up to him.

Cristiano sighed running a hand through his hair, he wanted to spend more time with her; he hadn’t seen her a lot recently; Daniella had told him that Alexa was worried that he would stray.

“Lexi… I love you,” Cristiano said making her smile at him, Cristiano kissed her lips; he couldn’t wait to spend the day with her tomorrow.


Cristiano sighed as he stepped into his en-suite shower, he allowed the warm water to roll down his aching muscles; he had just returned from training, and Alexa wasn’t home yet.

Cristiano missed her, he knew that things weren’t going to be easy between them; he loved Alexa and wanted her to be happy, he closed his eyes as he ran his hands over his chest making sure to clean his sweat from his body.

“Enjoying yourself without me?” said Alexa making Cristiano jump; she smiled as she leant against the closed bathroom door.

Running a hand through his hair, Cristiano glanced back at her; he hadn’t heard her come in and was surprised that she was home this early from her classes.

“How was class?” Cristiano asked knowing she had had a university class that afternoon, Alexa grinned as she slowly started to slip out of her clothes and her black canvas lace up pumps, she knew that this would make up for this morning.

“It was good… how was training?” Alexa asked making sure he didn’t notice what she was doing, she had been so busy recently that the last few weeks had been so difficult and she wished to make things up to her boyfriend.

Cristiano closed his eyes, he worried that she would meet someone while she was working at the book store or taking classes at university and that she would be him.

“It was good…” Cristiano said with a shrug, he jumped when he felt Alexa wrap her arms around his waist and press her naked form against his.

Alexa kissed between his shoulder blades, Cristiano moaned softly as she trailed her hands down his chest; he stopped her before she could drop to low.

Cristiano turned and faced her; he kissed her before lifting her up forcing the brunette to wrap her legs around his waist.

Cristiano trapped her between him and the wall as Alexa kissed him softly as she smiled at him; she could see how much this meant to him.

“I’ve missed you,” Alexa admitted as Cristiano nibbled down her neck, he stopped however at her words, he pulled back slightly and looked at her.

Cristiano swallowed as he wondered what had brought this on, he hoped that she wasn’t about to give him any bad news; things had been strained between them lately.

“I know things haven’t been great recently… with my classes and work,” Alexa said making Cristiano shake his head, he kissed her making her stop talking, she looked at him confused as he pulled back.

“I miss you, nena… as long as you are happy; that’s all I want,” Cristiano said softly as Alexa watched him for a moment before she closed the gap between them; she loved him more than anything.


Cristiano smiled softly as he lay in bed beside his girlfriend, the past five months that they had been dating had been amazing and he couldn’t believe how fast they had gone by.

Cristiano kissed her bare shoulder as she cuddled into her pillow, it had been a long afternoon and he was glad that she had come home to him; Alexa was perfect and he could never doubt that she loved him.

“I love you,” Cristiano whispered as he brushed his fingers through her hair, she looked so peaceful and he didn’t know when they would get another moment like this.

Cristiano kissed Alexa as he smiled at her, he didn’t believe that this was going to be an easy change; his career was going to be busy and she had things going on as well.

The couple needed to make time for one another and Cristiano was willing to fight for that time; they needed to do this before things pulled them apart.

Alexa turned over and cuddled into Cristiano, she had no idea that her boyfriend was watching her sleep; she was exhausted from an afternoon of love making.

It was clearly what the couple had needed after the past week, it would get better when things settled down between them; they both needed to make more time for one another, they were still sort of new to all of this.

“How did I get so lucky,” Cristiano mused to himself as he brushed his fingers through her hair, she was everything that he had ever wanted and he could really see himself settling down with her and starting a family.

Cristiano couldn’t stop the smile that formed on his face as he thought about having a baby with Alexa, he could just see the bump that she would carry and he was so sure she’d be the perfect mother.

Shaking his head, Cristiano settled down to sleep, it was much too early to think about anything like that and the time would come soon enough.

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