Part One - Chapter Eight: Stay with Me

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Alexa wiped away her tears, things had been very quiet downstairs since she had spoken to Cristiano and she knew that they were worried about her.

Alexa sniffled as she glanced at herself in the mirror, her cheek was still red from the slap and her eyes were red and puffy from crying.

The blonde heard the doorbell ring as she curled up on her bed and buried her head into a pillow; she didn’t have to listen to know it was Cristiano.

Alexa heard someone make their way upstairs before they entered the bedroom, she closed her eyes as she felt his hand gently touch her back; she knew he was worried.

“Amor,” Cristiano murmured softly as he moved closer to her, he didn’t know what had happened but he didn’t like seeing her like this, she seemed so small.

Cristiano had no idea what had happened while they had been apart, he hadn’t been gone long and everything had fallen apart.

Alexa didn’t look at him, she couldn’t if she looked at him then she would hurt even more; she didn’t know what to do anymore and she was shaken from what had happened with her mother.

Cristiano sighed and moved to comfort her; he wanted to help her, but he didn't know what had happened and he couldn't help her until he knew.

Blinking back tears, she felt him brush some blonde hair away from her face; she felt Cristiano stiffen as it revealed the mark her mother had left on her face when she had slapped her.

Cristiano moved to rub his thumb across the mark, he was furious that someone had done this to her; that they had harmed her in this way and now she was upset, he wanted to make them pay.

“Alexa?” Cristiano asked as he moved to meet her eyes, he wanted to know who had done this to her; she bit her lip knowing she probably looked a mess, Cristiano sighed as she sat up refusing to hold his gaze.

The footballer pulled her into a hug and allowed her to bury her head into his chest, she clung to him as she felt more tears fall.

“It’s okay,” Cristiano whispered as he held her close to him, the bedroom door opened making Alexa stiffen as she closed her eyes; she didn’t have to look to know it was her mother.

Cristiano glared at the woman who stood by the door, he had a feeling she was behind this and he hated that Alexa had cowered into him like this.

“I’m Martha… Alexandria’s mother,” Martha said as she forced a sickly sweet smile into her face, Cristiano nodded shortly; he disliked her more now that he knew who she was.

Martha pursed her lips as she stared at the footballer; if she couldn’t get Alexa to leave Cristiano, then she’d drive him away from Alexa and choose someone better for him.

“Listen could I speak with you privately?” Martha said sweetly, Cristiano nodded but he pressed a kiss to Alexa’s lips with the promise that he would be back before he left making Martha frown.

The two stepped into the Joseph’s old bedroom next door; Cristiano crossed his arms and waited to see what she had to say.

“Listen we’re a simple family and Alexandria’s… nice but you deserve better, you date models and actresses, not snot nosed students,” Martha said making Cristiano stared at her; he couldn’t believe the way Alexa’s mother was talking about her own daughter.

“Now why don’t you leave before she gets too attached besides her boyfriend’s coming for a surprise visit,” Martha said as if trying to put him off; she hoped that by mentioning Dixon that it might drive him away.

Cristiano knew he’d have to ask Alexa about the boyfriend part, though he doubted that it was true; she didn’t seem like the other women who cheated or used him.

“Listen Mrs. Dylan… I care about your daughter,” Cristiano said making Martha purse her lips, she couldn’t believe what she was hearing right now.

Martha had always thought that Jennifer would be the one that ended up becoming a WAG not Alexa; there was nothing special about her youngest.

“I know you think you do but you’d be more suited for Jennifer… she’d be a better as a girlfriend than Alexandria is,” Martha said making Cristiano glare at her, she wasn’t listening to him and he didn’t like that.

Cristiano remembered meeting Jennifer, she reminded him to much of his ex-girlfriend; someone who had used him for his fame before he had dumped her because of her gossipy ways.

Cristiano looked at Martha for a moment; it didn’t take him much to guess she was the reason why Alexa was upset; that she was the one turning the blonde against him.

“Mrs. Dylan, I don’t mean to sound disrespectful but I don’t want you getting involved with my relationship with Alexa, I don’t even want you near her,” Cristiano said making Martha stare at him, he watched her for a moment as he wondered how his girlfriend coped with her as her mother.

Martha stood shocked as Cristiano turned on his heel and walked out of the room, he made his way back to the room where Alexa waited for him.

No one had ever talked to her like that and Martha didn’t like it, she hated the footballer for coming in and ruining her family.

Alexa watched Cristiano carefully as he closed the door behind him and moved towards her, she couldn't shake the feeling that her mother had convinced him that she wasn’t worth it; Alexa was surprised when he kissed her softly.

Cristiano listened as he heard Martha moving out of the other room, he couldn't let Alexa stay here with that woman and he hated the idea that she was filling her own daughter’s head with rubbish that could one day cause Alexa serious harm.

“I want you to come stay with me,” Cristiano said making Alexa stare at him, she watched him for a moment as he ran a hand through his hair; she wasn’t sure that he was being serious.

Alexa had fully expected that he would come back in and dump her, her mother could do anything if she put her mind to it and it scared her.

“I don’t think I can let you go… and I can’t leave you here with her,” Cristiano admitted bitterly at the thought of Martha as he sat down next to Alexa; he watched her for a moment as she took in what he had said.

The footballer would do anything to protect Alexa and he would carry her out of the house if that was what it took; Martha was a danger to his girlfriend right now.

Alexa watched him for a moment before she shook her head, she didn't know if she could move in with him right now; they had only just met and had only been on one date.

Cristiano moved to kiss her, he pulled her close as she wrapped her arms around his neck; he knew that this was sudden but he couldn't have Martha meddling in their relationship.

Cristiano might not have officially asked Alexa to be his girlfriend yet but he wasn’t about to let her go; he needed to keep her safe and he could only think of one way that he could do that.

“Please,” Cristiano said making her sigh, she felt him press his lips to her neck as his hands slipped to her waist; she closed her eyes and rested her head against his.

Alexa was aware that if she went to stay with Cristiano, that it would only make things worse for her when it came to returning to America with her mother; she would have to face Martha sooner or later if she stayed with him.

Cristiano watched Alexa as he waited to see what happened next, he hoped that she would agree with him.

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