Part One - Chapter Thirty-Six: Things Left Unsaid

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Cristiano stared at Alexa as they stood in Madrid-Barajas airport, it had been a week and a half since the news had arrived that Cristiano was expecting a child with another woman.

It had also been a week and a half since Alexa had last spoken to him, she wasn’t sure if she could stay as his girlfriend if he was starting a family with someone else.

Cristiano watched sadly as he prepared to say goodbye, her flight to Seattle had been called and his would be soon; however he didn’t want her to leave.

Cristiano was now terrified that the time apart would cause the end of their relationship, he had spent as much time as he could trying to show Alexa that he loved her; but it didn’t seem to be enough, she was becoming distant from him.

“Call me when you land?” Cristiano asked nervously, Alexa nodded as she tried to look anywhere but at her boyfriend; she needed time to think and there was nothing she could do right now.

Cristiano moved to kiss Alexa’s lips, he wanted to feel them again for what could be the last time, however the blonde turned her head so he kissed her cheek.

Cristiano watched her sadly as she refused to meet his gaze, he hated that she had slowly pulled away from him and wished there was something that he could do to fix all of this.

“I’ll see you in a few days?” Cristiano asked her again, he didn’t know if he would see her again after what had happened and it scared him.

Alexa nodded before she walked away, she felt bad for leaving him like this; but in the end she would be the one to get hurt.

Cristiano watched her leave, his heart breaking as he watched her walk away from him without a word; he took a deep breath before walking to head to his flight for Faro, where Hugo would pick him up.

Cristiano glanced back to where Alexa had been, he wanted to follow after her; he knew that she needed time to process what was happening, he just hoped that he wouldn’t lose her.


Jennifer Dylan only had to take one look at her sister to know that something was wrong; Alexa nearly collapsed into her arms as she pulled her into her arms.

Joseph stared at his daughters wondering what had happened, Alexa couldn’t contain her tears anymore as she cried into her older sister’s arms; she couldn’t believe what was happening to her.

“It’s okay… whatever happened, it will be okay,” Jennifer said trying to sooth Alexa, she knew that it had to be related to Cristiano; she had never seen her sister like this.

Whatever happened had to be serious and none of them could figure out what was wrong, Alexa hadn’t said anything and now she was in tears.

Jennifer smiled at her father, she could see that he was concerned for her; but they couldn’t do this here, it wasn’t safe for Alexa to breakdown like this people knew who she was and there were members of the press hovering about.

“Alex we have to go…” Jennifer said making her sister nod, Alexa brushed back tears before allowing Ryan to take the suitcase from her.

Alexa wiped away some of her tears, she forced a smile at her family knowing that they hadn’t expected this; they hadn’t expected her return to be like this.

Jennifer sighed wondering what had happened, she knew that Alexa was hurting but she thought things were going well between the couple.

The drive home was silent, Alexa didn’t want to talk about it and her family could sense something big had happened and they were curious since they hadn’t heard from Cristiano at all.


Once they were home, Jennifer ushered Alexa into her old bedroom before anyone else could ask and away from their mother; this was a private conversation and they didn’t need anyone meddling.

“What happened?” Jennifer asked as Alexa sniffed as she sat on her old bed, wiping away tears she looked at her sister and bit her lip; she slowly started to tell her what had happened while she was in Madrid.

“That evil witch,” Jennifer exclaimed when Alexa finished telling her what had happened, she would kill whoever had done this to her baby sister; she hugged Alexa understanding why she was so upset about this.

“What about you and Cristiano?” Jennifer said making Alexa look at her, she blinked back tears and shrugged; she was so hurt and shocked by his announcement that she hadn’t said anything to him.

Alexa had only been thinking about how she felt and had closed Cristiano out as she struggled to deal with the news that he was going to be a father.

“He told me that he loved me… pretty much begged me to forgive him, I haven’t spoken to him since he told me,” Alexa said looking down at her hands, it had been hard on him, he had wanted to comfort her but she wanted and needed some space.

Jennifer smiled at her softly she was sure that everything would be perfectly fine and it was just a nasty shock that she’d had.

No one could have predicted that Cristiano would get Heather pregnant and it was going to take some getting used to especially since there was nothing to be done to avoid this.

“Do you love him?” Jennifer asked as she brushed some hair from her sister’s face, she was doing her best to be a good sister and she was sure Martha would be nothing but trouble if she found out about this.

“Of course, I do… I love Cristiano more than anything,” Alexa said making Jennifer smile and nod, she never doubted that her sister loved her boyfriend; she just needed to remind Alexa that she did.

The two sisters sat quietly for a moment, Jennifer gave her a squeeze and smiled at her; she was sure that Cristiano was desperate to hear from his girlfriend.

“Do you see yourself one day marrying him?” Jennifer asked making Alexa swallow as she stared at her sister, she thought for a moment; of course she had thought about it before, but never did she think about it in this instance.

“Yes… I did before he was becoming a father,” Alexa said making Jennifer roll her eyes and shake her head; the blonde looked at her confused, she didn’t understand what her sister was trying to tell her.

Jennifer stared at her sister, she didn’t blame her for being stuck right now; it wasn’t an easy situation and it was going to be hard.

Alexa deserved to be happy and Cristiano was her chance, she was just going to have to get used to sharing him; he was going to be a father and he couldn’t turn his back on his child for anyone.

“Then fight for him, don’t let this… witch, get in the way of what you want,” Jennifer said as she gave her sister another hug and got to her feet, she would let her sister sleep and think about what she had said.

Alexa watched her leave and groaned as she lay back on her bed, she was exhausted and yet she didn’t want to sleep; she didn’t know what to do and wished someone could just give her all the answers.

Closing her green eyes, Alexa took a deep breath as she wondered what she should do now; she had a big decision ahead of her and she wished it was an easy one.

Cristiano would just have to wait until Alexa knew what she was going to do, she had a lot of thinking to do.

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