Part One - Chapter Eighteen: Jealous Fits

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Cristiano couldn’t stop the smile that formed on his face as he woke up next to his girlfriend; they were enjoying his holidays before he had was due to be presented at Real Madrid.

Since the house was official now Cristiano’s, he hadn’t wasted a moment before moving in to it; he had already organised for Alexa’s things to be sent to the house and her brothers had been more than helpful with packing her things.

Jennifer had even helped by sending her sister some new clothes that actually fit her, she had quit her assistant job in Manchester and was focusing her talents on event planning.

Cristiano yawned slightly as he closed his eyes attempting to fall back asleep, Alexa curled closer into his side; her head resting on his bare chest as if it were a pillow.

Cristiano’s arm trailed along the nude lace detail satin slip that Jennifer had sent her and wrapped around her waist, holding her close as he started to drift back off.

The footballer made a mental note to thank Jennifer for sending his girlfriend something so sexy, he still couldn’t believe Alexa was in his bed wearing it.

However the ringing of his phone awoke Cristiano before he could, Alexa tried to bury her head so she couldn’t hear the noise of the phone that was blaring techno music.

Cristiano chuckled as he moved to answer it, he watched his girlfriend with a smile as he watched her; she was perfect and he knew he had found someone to spend his life with.

“Olá,” Cristiano said as quietly as he could so he didn’t wake Alexa, he sighed as he heard his mother’s voice, she was demanding to meet the girl that had stolen her youngest son’s heart; she was worried, Cristiano had never been like this before.

“Mãe… I’ll see you soon,” Cristiano said as he felt Alexa slowly start to wake up, she glanced at him as he disconnected the call before he pressed a kiss to her lips.

Alexa smiled as she brushed her fingers through her hair, she was curious about why his mother would be calling at this hour of the morning.

“Bom dia,” Cristiano greeted making Alexa smile as she rolled over and stretched, Cristiano swallowed hard as he watched the nude silk ride up a little to reveal her upper thighs.

“Morning… see something you like,” Alexa teased as she grinned at her boyfriend, she had slowly started to develop a bit of confidence when it came to talking to Cristiano.

Cristiano pressed a kiss to her lips and nodded as his hands moved down her body, the two slowly moved back into their new bed.

“Don’t tease me amor…” Cristiano murmured as he pulled away from her, Alexa smiled at him as she stopped him from pulling too far away from her.

Cristiano closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to control himself before he did something he would regret; Alexa pressed another kiss to his lips then she let him go with a big smile on her face.

“Okay,” Alexa said making him frown at her, she stood and walked away from him heading into the bathroom leaving Cristiano in their bedroom glaring after her.


Alexa rolled her eyes amused as she watched Cristiano doing some Keepie uppies; the two of them were enjoying the warm sun while they could. Cristiano grinned at her as he continued to practice, Alexa couldn’t help but wonder if her boyfriend found it impossible to sit still.

“What?” Cristiano asked as Alexa leaned back on her arms, she shook her head as he stopped what he was doing; she watched him approach her and smiled at him.

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