Part One - Chapter Twenty: Daniella Comes to Visit

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Alexa grinned as she spotted a familiar face as she stood in Madrid-Barajas airport, Cristiano had arranged for Daniella to come out and visit since he was starting to train a lot with his new team and he hadn't wanted her to be alone.

"Lexi," Daniella squealed as she hugged her best friend; the two grinned at each other as they pulled away from one another, it had been a nice surprise and Alexa couldn't believe that her best friend was here in Madrid with her.

"So what's the plan?" Daniella asked as they collected her suitcase and started out of the airport, Alexa rolled her eyes as they went the press taking pictures of them and some people watched them.

"So this is what it's like to be famous," Daniella asked as they walked towards the car, Cristiano had insisted on adding Alexa to his insurance so she could drive his carswhile she was living in Madrid with him.

Daniella stopped when she spotted the car that Alexa was driving, she blinked in awe as she tried to say something about the car; it was clearly her boyfriend's and worth a lot of money.

"This is a Mercedes Benz..." Daniella said as Alexa popped the boot of the car and smiled at her, the blonde held her friend put the suitcase into the Mercedes Benz that she had been driving.

"So where is Mr. Hunk today?" Daniella asked as they got into the car, the press seeming more interested now that they realised that Alexa was driving Cristiano's rented car.

Alexa rolled her eyes and laughed at her best friend, she was glad that Daniella was here and she was sure that it was going to be a good few weeks.

"Training... he'll be home for dinner though," Alexa said making Daniella nod; they had both been told that Cristiano had a surprise for them.

They sat quietly as Alexa drove them back to the house, she was happy that her things had finally all arrived in Madrid although she didn't recognise half of what had arrived and she knew that was down to Jennifer.

"So how's the life of a WAG? You know most of the tangerines from school are claiming to be your BFF's," Daniella said making Alexa laugh lightly as they drove along the quiet streets, most people were taking siestas right now and it was something that Alexa was becoming a little fond of.

It didn't take long for them to arrive at the house and Daniella was surprised at the house where her friend was staying; she wanted a footballer of her own.

"I am so coming home with you in the summer holidays," Daniella said as they climbed out of the care; making their way inside, Daniella grinned at Alexa.

"I need to get myself a footballer... think Cristiano has anyone in mind?" Daniella teased as they made their way upstairs to the room where she would be staying for three weeks.

Daniella hadn't expected something like this, it seemed so normal compared to the expense of the rest of the house and she guessed Alexa had something to do with that.

"Sowhat's the plan until hubby get home?" Daniella asked as she unpacked a little, she couldn't believe she was getting to spend three weeks in paradise with her best friend.

Alexa smiled, she had thought that Daniella would have been tired after her thirteen hour flight which had connected at Paris for fifteen minutes.

"We could lounge around the pool," Alexa said making Daniella grin at her as she started to fish out her swimming costume; it would be the perfect idea to top up on her tan.

Daniella was so happy for Alexa, she had been friends with the blonde for years and she finally had a good boyfriend in her life; Daniella just hoped that Cristiano wouldn't mind her hanging around.


"Damn," Daniella said as she fanned herself as she grinned at her best friend, she was surprised how sexy Alexa had gotten in the last few months.

Being with Cristiano had certainly been good for Alexa and she looked amazing, the weather in Spain was certainly doing her wonders as well.

Alexa rolled her eyes as she leant back on her arms as she sat at the edge of the outdoor swimming pool; Daniella smirked up at her as she swam back to the side of the pool.

Alexa was wearing a purple shapewear moulded bikini top and mid-rise bikini briefs, while Daniella was wearing a light blue stripped two piece bikini; the two had spent most of the afternoon catching up by thepool.

"Now are you and Cristiano using protection?" Daniella asked as she looked at Alexa, she was sure that she needed to have this talk with Alexa especially since she seemed to have a glow about her right now.

Alexa spluttered as she glared at Daniella, she couldn't believe that her friend had asked that; she hadn't done anything like that with Cristiano even if they were experimenting.

"I'm just saying... you are nineteen and I don't want to be an aunt too soon," Daniella said as she smirked, she could see that her best friend was happy and she was glad; she deserved so much better than Dixon.

"So we still have six weeks before we start University..." Daniella said making Alexa look at her and nod, she knew what her friend was trying to ask her and it was still a sensitive subject.

Alexa had no idea what she was going to do and she was starting to think that maybe she should just stay here in Madrid with Cristiano.

"Cristiano wants me to commute between term times," Alexa answered making Daniella nod; she knew that the Portuguese had stolen the blonde's heart and it worried her if they did decided to go long distance, it wasn't going to be easy.

The two looked at the back door as they heard a noise from inside the house, Daniella grinned at Alexa who rolled her eyes; they had been together for just over four months now.

Alexa had even heard the press calling it a miracle since Cristiano had never settled for a woman like this before; she felt special and Cristiano always treated her like she was the best thing that he had in his life.

Pushing herself to her feet, Alexa pulled on her purple lace kaftan and peeked at Daniella who was grinning at her; she couldn't resist going to say hello to her boyfriend.

"Try not to drown yourself," Alexa teased making Daniella flip her off before she returned to swimming in the pool; she was sure her friend wouldn't be gone long and she was going to enjoy her time in this wonderland.

Alexa stepped into the house to find Cristiano staring at the fridge as if undecided on what he wanted; he was a little hungry and he didn't want to disturb Alexa while she was with her friend.

"Hey," Alexa greeted making him look at her, he smiled at her softly; he was glad to see her and he hoped that her day had been okay.

Cristiano tried not to look at his girlfriend'swet chest as her kaftan stuck to her a little, he had seen her naked before and she looked amazing right now.

Alexa laughed softly as she stepped forward and gave him a kiss, she had missed him since he had been gone about six hours.

"Did Daniella get here okay?" Cristiano asked making Alexa nod, she wasn't going to mention that he had bought her best friend a first class ticket when she had told him not to.

"I sure did," Daniella said appearing behind Alexa, who rolled her eyes at her best friend's timing; Cristiano nodded, he would have to make an effort with the red head since she was Alexa's best friend.

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