Self taught - Byron

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*authors warning: contains a period and to those who can't stand swearing, there's only about 2-3 cases of swearing*

I stared at the TV and mouthed along with the TV characters, hoping to somehow gain the ability to speak the language, but it was still far to difficult, the mouth movements and sound are just something I can't replicate completely, though I think I can say 'please'? Or is the word supposed to be 'now?' It's hard to tell when there's no translation on screen.

It's the morning after the park visit and I was woken up by the sound of Bob being loud and Cecilia shouting "I don't need a bath!" My owner had turned on the TV to distract me, but it's been silent for a few minutes, so I jumped off the couch and wandered to the bathroom, Bob was standing outside on his phone.

I stood at the doorway in a state of shock, Cecilia sat in a puddle of blood and my owner was gently patting her head despite her attempts to hit him away, "what... Happened?" I asked my voice stuttering, "I'm on my fucking period!" She yelled at me, I flinched at that and looked away, "sorry for being concerned..." I muttered, all of a sudden she burst into tears and apologised continuously, "it's just painful ok, and with all of this shit going on, I just can't deal ok" she sobbed, I sighed and sat on the bath tub avoiding the blood, "that's a lot" I pointed out.

My body shivered with the glare she sent me, "so is this why you were like that yesterday?" I asked, she turned her head away and grumbled something, "and this goes for a week?" I asked warily, with a simple nod that she gave I knew this week was going to be tough for all of us.

A knock sounded at the front door and Bob ran off to answer it, and soon he was walking in the same vet who had come over to follow us around the second house, she made some babytalk noises to Cecilia who seemed rather despising of the treatment, she was picked up and began to bat at the arms of the vet, Cecilia was held down and a needle was injected to calm her, she fought the whole time claiming "I can deal with it! Just give me some fucking toilet paper." I chose to leave then and continue learning, this was something I wouldn't watch nor listen to.

I looked around the house for something to write or draw on, maybe I could try and decipher the language, although it may be impossible, I need something to distract me from the horror show in the bathroom, I found some light grey leafy stuff in a draw in the kitchen and soon found something that slightly resembled a crayon, now I don't completely know what other people would try to draw in these situations, nor do I know why movies and TV shows make the answers so obvious, so now, I'm cross legged on the floor in the kitchen, staring at the grey papery stuff and the black crayon looking thing.

I hover my hand over the crayon, until I decide to draw something, because writing in English may appear to look like scribbles to the creatures, so I drew a house and a car, I regret it, it looks like 3 year old had decided to scratch a bunch of wonky shapes into an easily tearing piece of paper, since when was I this bad at drawing! My owner came in and he seemed surprised, he took the stuff away from me, not even giving my art piece a second glance, he even scolded me, this caught me off guard, the stern "no" had me feeling stupid.

By the way he carried the thing that may not be a crayon I guessed it was actually unsafe or something, I looked at the black particles on the floor from my drawing and got up and left the room, my owner quickly picked me up and looked me over, his eyes met mine "now/please" I gurgled, he looked surprised yet again before doing his weird laugh, he said something and I repeated, even though it was difficult to say the words and slightly painful I still put my all into it.

He spent a few more minutes saying random words and I only learnt one! That's because he got called by Bob and quickly commanded me before running out, I used my common sense, I was sitting on a tall bench, he wanted me to stay, so stay I will.

I watched Cecilia waddle in, she was muttering to herself and looked rather annoyed, "you ok?" I asked, she glared at me, "shut up will you" she growled, I didn't know what to do, this wasn't like her, she was normally nice and chatty, she must have guessed my thoughts "oh I'm sorry! Did I upset you? Wow maybe I can't deal with this stuff because I'm not like you! The embarrassment! The humiliation! But hey at least I don't have Stockholm syndrome like you" she screamed her voice sarcastic and mean.

Why is everyone saying that?

I can't have Stockholm syndrome.

I can't.

I Want to go back to my old home.

No not old home, just home, its still my home.

I don't think people with that want to leave their captors, do they?

She stormed off and headed to the couch to lie on it, I stayed were I had been told, my owner came up to me and talked in his usual soft way before picking me up and cradling me, I didn't respond, my mind was a mess and I couldn't accept it, how could I accept it.

I slowly gazed up at my owners face, I gurgled something from the TV show, I guessed it meant home, he held me closer and kissed my forehead reassuringly.

Authors notes: sorry for the long wait my friends, this chapter is for JessikaNeal and narcisscus12, I apologise for the period scene, but its important for the next chapter as narcisscus12 asked previously to see the reaction of the owners on periods

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