The morning was the loneliest I had experienced in quite some time, I quite literally spent the whole time on the couch, tapping my foot on the new carpet, the TE was playing some movie which I didn't care about, my fones alarm began blasting once it became afternoon, I quickly stood up and grabbed the fone, stuffing it into a compartment on the motorvehicle and took off.
The building loomed ominously, was my Jasper alone? Oh I so hope not, I entered and nodded at the receptionist, he asked me for my name, gave me a smile and explained that I would be required to head with my Jasper straight to the meeting room for the humans, then he sent me down the hall, uh which room was it again? All these rooms look similar.
I got the attention of an employee, she was quite polite, but her mood changed to adoration once I brought up Jasper, "oh! Your the owner of that sweetheart! I swear he's the best behaved one I've seen by far!" She gushed, "oh I'm very sorry, he's two doors down, left side" added the employee, she then proceeded on going wherever she was previously heading.
I opened the door, not expecting anyone to be in the doorway, much less Jasper, several employees gave me embarrassed smiles, I picked up my sweet boy and spun in a circle, I hugged him tight, I had really missed him over such a short period of time, "he's out?" I said to the employees, the question in my voice seemed to have sparked their full attention, "ah, yes! We were testing temperament, but never have we patted one that's been so accepting of the attention" stated one of the employees, the rest nodded their agreement.
I felt so proud, I hugged him tighter and gave him a small peck on the head, he was such an amazing pet.
We headed down the hall, the employees following behind, there was only three, two were from yesterday, so the third one was obviously the replacement, one of them pointed out a room and I entered, "Mr Cura, it is Ill advised to remain in the room due to the dangerous tendencies of the human, Jasper is being acquainted with" explained Cija through a speaker, I shook my head, "nah, I want to be in here, it'll be alright, I'll be by the door, I'm not going to be completely idiotic" I assured, "if you so wish, we'll be opening the cage, please put the Daer on the ground" he instructed, I complied and watched curiously, trying look as non dangerous as possible.
A whirring sound echoed in the otherwise quiet room, a small Daer lay in the cage, I recognised her and began regretting my decision slightly, the daer began yipping, and Jasper Yipped back in response, but in no time they began growling, the female Daer approached my Jasper, Jasper moved slightly in front of me, which i didn't really think much of, until she lunged past him and I slid on the wall in fright, Jasper took her down, and shoved her away, they were snarling and snapping, soon the female walked off with a malicious look and a growl, my Jasper let out a final snarl and seemed quite unhappy.
"Uh, we're closing her gate, you can leave once its closed" informed Cija sounding stressed, I didn't respond, fear was coursing through me, I picked up my tense pet, who was quickly relaxing in my arms, I headed for Cija's office, he sat in his chair, his eyes fell on my sleepy pet, Jasper was quickly going limp, he must not have slept very well.
Cija frowned, "I am honestly quite surprised by the results from the meeting test, otherwise he's a perfect specimen, has a strong personality it seems but he obviously has formed a bond with you, and his protective behaviour is quite new, we have seen Daer's become defensive over owners and seen them be protective over their own kind, it's an amazing trait to have in a pet." Explained Cija, I nodded, "is that so? Then I am so glad to have been the one to bond with him" I sighed, Cija gave me a smile.
"The most common sign of unintentional mistreatment is hugging and bonding, you see the most popular pets, the Ghosts and Stats are both very different, one is big and difficult to cuddle up to on a couch or inside really, unless you have specifically built environments, while Stats, are small and fluffy, great to have around the house, but to cuddle one on a bed or hug it like you'd hug a Ghost or any other similarly sized pets is almost impossible, they are simply lap pets, these Daer are perfectly sized, huggable and able to stay on the same bed without being crushed while giving off their warmth is quite a nice thing, the mistreatment starts with people getting excited, seeing something so adorable and huggable, well sometimes they hug to tight or the Daer who probably would be trying to escape, would accidentally hurt themselves trying to struggle" explained Cija.
I gaped at him, he held a serious face, but then he softened up, "but you obviously have a knack for this, you truly have done well, I hope you realise how much respect we hold for you, oh your payment was sent to your house, uh, thank you for giving us yours and Jaspers time, we hope this has helped both you and Jasper, I wish you luck" assured Cija, I felt that all to familiar pride swelling in my chest, I stuttered a thanks and goodbye, he waved me off, I headed to the motorvehicle and took off, silently whooping with delight.
My Jasper was awake when we got home, I carried him inside and showed him everything, he seemed honestly intrigued by everything, but for now I just wanted to be with him, I hated the strange hollow loneliness I had felt without him, I just wanted to hold him, so despite his yips and whines I lay in bed with him, he stopped quickly, burying his head in my fur, this was all I needed, was something to hold, a companion and friend who I can love with all my heart and I loved my Jasper, as much or even more than I loved my fathers Ghost, who was my best friend throughout my childhood.

Byron a Human Pet Story
FantasyByron, a bright boy, with a big future, until he falls down a strange hole, here he's surrounded by demonic creatures, creatures who don't seem to know what he is, and one who seems to have taken it upon itself to care for this auburn haired and gre...