Home again - Shik

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My fones ringing woke me up, I sleepily felt around for Jasper, but he wasn't with me, so I forced myself up and felt the blankets around me, my fone was behind me amongst the blankets, I barely remembered carrying it in, but I was certain I had it while I was carrying Jasper, it must have been an unconscious decision or something, as I was distracted by Jasper.

I shook my head and tried to stop my sleepy thoughts, I needed to answer the fone, which was amazingly still ringing, I sleepily mumbled "hello?" And I heard excited panting, "what the?" Was all I could say, "Shik! Dude! Guess what mums surprise was?!" Exclaimed Tak, "I dunno" I said groggily, he was still breathing loudly, as if he had made a mad dash for the fone, some barking in the background sounded, "a Daer?" I asked, he was returning to his normal breathing, which is everyone's normal breathing, "yea!! Dude! Mum said that while I was gone, some of her vegetables were going missing from the front yard, from her gardens and then she saw it and managed to chase it into the backyard!" He exclaimed, I gazed at the wall and my mind ran wild with thoughts.

"But uh, can you come here sometime, its very scared and I don't want to stress it out, and don't tell me it probably has an owner, I'm prepared for that, but please?" Begged Tak, I considered his invitation, and than my mind went to Jasper, I could hear him quietly moving about the lounge room, "I'll bring Jasper, but I'll need a day to let him have a rest" I said, the real reason was that I wanted a day to enjoy the fact that Jasper was back with me.

"Thank you so much!! I'll just leave food and water out for it!" He exclaimed, I smiled to myself, Tak was such an odd person, one minute he'll be serious and helpful, the next he's excitable and telling me about everything and anything, but he's good, I wouldn't be who I am without him after all.

He hung up, the damn idiot, but he quickly began texting me,

'Its being awful wary, maybe it doesn't have an owner'

'Sorry, I was being an idiot, getting my hopes up'

I decided to ignore his texts, I'd read them tomorrow, I noticed Jasper in the doorway, he made a noise and stood there, I waved him over, and surprisingly he actually came over, albeit warily, maybe he thought he was in trouble? With that thought I picked him up, he made a small unhappy yip, so to reassure him, I sat him on my lap and continued on my fone, I was looking up someone to hire to drive us to my mums, but it was rather difficult, as I'd never had to hire anyone, but I just didn't want Jasper to walk the 2 hour walk to my mums.

Every so often I'd give him a pat, just to tell him he's alright, all the while feeling as if I was forgetting something, a notification popped up, it was the vets, asking me when I'd be returning the motorvehicle, how had I forgotten!, I quickly put Jasper onto the ground and hurried to the front door, he had followed me there, and I considered taking him with me, yet I felt that would be a silly idea, it'd be no fun for him, so I patted him and told him to be good before rushing out.

Once the vehicle had been safely driven back, I ran home feeling worried about leaving him home alone, I reentered the house and called him, all that I received was a bark, I went to where I had heard the noise and saw him by his bowl, he had the grumpiest look about him and I found myself laughing at the adorableness, "sorry for the late dinner buddy" I apologised, trying to hold back my laughter, I grabbed one of the cans and read it curiously, before carrying it over to Jasper.

Once I had poured it into the bowl, he become cautious, he ate slowly, I guess my food is better tasting, once he finished I cleaned his hands, he seemed resistant but he didn't fight me, only resisted, Jasper seemed uncertain and confused, I couldn't blame him, everything was different, even the food, but thinking of food, I'm hungry for my dinner! I might just heat up some leftovers.

I began heating up my food, I noticed Jasper wasn't in here, so I called him and looked for him, I saw the bathroom door open and made an awe sound at Jasper, as he was attempting to give himself a bath, I picked him up and he tensed up, I gently removed his fur substitute and then put it on the shower, he tried running off, I wasn't about to let him run around the house like that, I hadn't even put the heating on! He'd be safer in here while I eat dinner, "I'll eat as quickly as possible!" I promised before walking out and closing the door.

Once I had a full stomach I entered the bathroom and began setting up the bath, there was the fur wash and special skin wash, as skin is much more sensitive than fur, as well as a mouth cleaning substance, I wasn't game to use that yet, so I'd just use the first two, I washed his head fur and he seemed content and then I changed to the skin washing stuff, he didn't react when I cleaned his shoulders but once I reached his belly and back he seemed uncomfortable, it is bad for wild animals to let creatures near their vulnerable spots, but then why wasn't he so tense about his neck? Maybe it was from when we touched each others necks, wow that was so long ago, ok not that long ago but it has been quite a few weeks!

He began nudging my hand away occasionally which was very unlike him, I looked at him confused, and then he grabbed a sponge and started cleaning himself, he wouldn't look at me but it was adorable, watching him mimic me, and clean himself, I gave him a small clap in absolute adoration, this was such an adorable moment, I patted his wet fur and adored his mimicry, although it made me think of how they bathed in the wild, as skin would get very dirty and be more susceptible to bacterial infection, I think so at least.

I made sure to dry him in a big warm towel and then tried on one of the new fur substitutes which fitted him wonderfully, I went to bed with him, holding him in a nice hug, enjoying the warmth he shares.

The next day was pretty interesting, I'd do all the necessary things for Jasper such as feeding him, I even played with him for a bit with the ball on the string, but my mind was captivated by my fone the whole day with all of Taks texts, telling me how the Daer took food from his hand before bolting to a corner, and how it knew to go toilet outside and I was quite interested as it had me thinking how Jasper and I would get along if he hadn't of been injured.

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