vet visit - Shik

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The morning was rather nice, the gentle light leaked into the room and onto my face, it made me feel quite content to go back to sleep, until I remembered the animal I had brought in, I looked over my bed and it was missing, I quickly got up and saw the door was open, so quickly I headed into the hallway and walked along making sure each door was firmly closed, I made it to the lounge and examined the area, I saw the small feet of the animal poking out from behind the couch

I approached slowly, and stood behind it, the animal was inching backwards, and I just felt the urge to pat it, so I carefully tried to pat it but I must have taken it by surprise as it jolted forward, I laughed to myself and tried tell it that it was alright despite how funny I found the situation.

I decided I'd miss breakfast to take the animal to the vets, I moved the couch and gave the frightened animal my best smile even though it wasn't paying attention to my face, I gently stroked it till it began moving away than I proceeded to pick it up were it put up quite the fight, but I remained strong willed as I needed to get him to the vets.

I headed out and made sure to lock the door, I headed down the street trying to remember the way to the vets, I could hear several people cooing over the adorable auburn furred Daer, I finally found the vets and entered, I approached the receptionist who got excited over my new pet, "welcome! Its lovely to meet you after the phone call last night, now if you'd like to follow me, we already have a room for you!" Explained the receptionist, I nodded, "thank you, but may I ask, why do you wish for me to own the Daer, I like him, but I don't see why it is encouraged for me to own such an unknown wild animal" I asked, she looked over at me carefully, "easy, you are the one that found them, and the one putting his time into caring for it, so of course, it would be best, besides the last time the wildlife care association took one on, it ended badly due to the creature becoming stressed, so its easier for owners to learn about their pets and relay information to the care association" explained the receptionist.

I placed the Daer onto the examination table, "the vet will be here in a minute" stated the receptionist before leaving, I began petting my pet noticing it's distrustful eyes, and then the vet came in, he got straight to business, "greetings, I'll just inject it with a calming chemical to ensure its safety" explained the vet before approaching my pet, who moved away, but the vet seemed to know what he was doing, and soon he had quickly injected it and the poor Daer moved away in shock.

The vet then moved back around and began removing the brace, "hmm, you did aid the injury into not getting worse, but this injury needs an ice wrap to cool it down to numb pain and help the injury site to heal" explained the vet, I nodded at his explanation, the Daer seemed limp and calm, I quite enjoyed knowing that it wasn't stressing him.

The vet placed on the ice wrap and started examining the scratches, "seems like this one took quite a fall, most found ones seem to be in a similar condition when found, so do you plan on keeping it?" The vet asked, I stared at the Daer, and thought of my mum. "I'll try him" I stated, the vet nodded, "so has it eaten or drunk anything yet?" Asked the vet, I gave a small "no" feeling guilty that I had forgotten to do so, but the vet seemed unfazed and understanding, it pulled a baby bottle out which was filled with water.

The Daer seemed nervous as the bottle entered their mouth but they soon began drinking extremely fast, the vet was forced to control the intake to avoid the water not going through him properly, then came a small container of food, the vet placed a spoonful of the small jelly like pieces into its mouth, "you try, he won't swallow yet, so you'll need to hold his nose and tilt his head back" explained the vet, I nodded and did so, satisfied that my pet swallowed the food, "he seems quite healthy, and are you sure it's a he, as you've been referring to it as such?" Asked the vet, I nodded, "I saw his.... Uh I could be wrong" I said, finding it an awkward subject, the vet just laughed, "I understand, and yes, then its a boy" stated the vet with understanding, he then quickly left and returned with some items.

"It seems your Daer was unsuccessful in making an appropriate fur substitute, so we've made ones of our own, this one is great at regulating temperature, plus it has padding for the controller ring" explained the vet as it redressed the Daer, and placed on the controller ring, a great walking tool to keep any pet from running off or causing trouble, it seemed to be returning to normal, glaring at us and struggling with the ring, "so what'll you name it?" Asked the vet, I hummed softly, we watched it curiously at it glared at us with suspicious looking eyes, "don't know, maybe something cute or even something to do with were I found him" I replied, the vet quickly put the brace back on and I picked up my pet, it struggled but I tried to ignore the efforts, I thanked the vet then left the room.

"When will you be returning to have the Daer properly established as your own?" Asked the receptionist, "next week, I will have gotten to know it better by then" I explained, the receptionist nodded and wished me luck, I thanked her for her help and left to return home.

I put him on the couch at home and gave him a pat, I wanted him in an area I could watch him as I needed to get the house sorted for my mothers visit, he was tense but for a second he seemed to lean into my hand, before returning to his tense self, I decided I should hurry and tidy up, my mum was real good at visiting earlier than she says, so I wanted to be prepared.

I could not stop checking on my pet who seemed to barely move, I glanced outside and realised that it probably needed to go toilet, so I retrieved him and carried him outside, he seemed confused at first, watching me with eyes that lacked trust, then it headed being a bush, these animals must not be able to go toilet while being watched, I was going to leave him outside but after seeing him begin to limp a little after some exploration, I decided to leave him inside.

He sat on the lounge again, and I didn't try to force him to like me, then I decided he was probably hungry and thirsty, he seemed fearful of my spoon with the food but ate nonetheless, and seemed displeased with receiving a bowl of water, but drank it up, I guess I'll need to get him an appropriate drinking bottle, I then bathed him and cleaned his wounds and treated his swelling with the ice wrap.

After I had let him go again, he did his best to avoid me, and I didn't try and control him, as he was only new.

After a while I successfully fed it a few more spoonfuls of food, I ate my own food and put it to bed on the couch, as this time the creature was far more energetic, and I did not want a potentially dangerous animal anywhere near me when I was most vulnerable.

After a while of being in bed, I heard shuffling outside my door, and then silence, I stayed were I was trying to convince myself it was necessary for my safety at the current moment.

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