The gun - Byron

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My owner that night would not stop hugging me and talking to me in its gurgling language, I guessed it was proud of me, as that's the exact response I've seen people have when their pets do something worth enormous praise, it felt slightly amazing, being fussed over, maybe I could get used to this if I have to.

The next morning I was given a big breakfast, the friend had slept over, I had thought he'd left sometime in the night, but he was here, eating breakfast with my owner, after breakfast a lead was attached to my strange waist collar, was my owner actually taking me for a walk?

I followed behind staring at the lead with curiosity, this was a first, but when I looked up finally we were approaching the vets, I froze and gaped at it, my lead was tugged a few times before I followed again, I had to keep telling myself there's nothing I need to fear anymore.

The vet gave me a simple check over, looking at my ears, my eyes, my mouth and privates, the last one I did try and fight against, this was a matter of dignity, but as expected I lost that fight, yes I'd been given baths, but that was just my owner and he never shoved a thermometer into my ass!

They spent a while chatting and then I was walked home, I was muttering to myself the whole time in my bitterness over the checkup, but at home everything seemed to go the same as usual, I'd go toilet, get fed, drink water, and watch the TV before bed.

The next morning I was woken up early, my owner quickly fed me and himself, the friend sat inside and waved as my owner then carried me out the front door, I saw a strange vehicle at the front of the house, it looked somewhat like a motorbike, but I just couldn't understand why other then the two wheels, I was placed in a small safety seat and the things engine roared to life, it moved quickly through the empty streets as my owner drove us to wherever we were going.

A big building, that's all that I knew, it was pretty standard looking and had a big door, my owner carried me in and we sat and waited for whatever was to come.

This cage I sat in was not roomy enough, sure it had enough room to stand and walk in circles but my head could almost touch the top and I was getting twitchy, even though it probably had only been an hour.

How had i let this happen, just two days ago I snapped out of my depression, but then I was taken to the vets yesterday and brought here today, of course I struggled, but I'm not the strongest, so the strangers were able to carefully place me in as my owner watched, with that guilty look he always wears.

A part of me was afraid of this being what happens to unwanted humans, but I can't let myself think that, its to scary, plus I was growing quite fond of him and I respected him, so I can't find it in me to believe he'd actually get rid of me.

The stranger appeared through a door, they were pushing a cart with a medium sized crate on it, they reached into it and pulled out a rubix cube, they passed it in through a compartment of the cage, I picked it up and scanned it, it seemed in a bad condition as if someone had thrown it, or maybe..

Had this fallen like I had? Was that possible? I scanned the crate and realised, that its probably filled with stuff from where I came from, I was partly excited about this, what if I could finally have something from home! Something to hold that's not from here! But a quiet voice in my head was telling me something, I didn't pay attention, what bad could come from this?

They reached for the cube and I gave it back, then they passed in a tablet which had a shattered screen and was beginning to barely resemble its design, I ignored it as it would be useless to me, and so the process repeated, I'm certain they had items of a similar nature as to what I was being given, but the items must look different due to the fact they are differently built.

I froze as they pulled out an item, it was a gun, one used for hunting they pushed it in for me to look at, slowly I picked it up, my mind running circles, I looked at the expectant faces of the creatures and fear filled me, sure I didn't want to lose my freedom, sure I was seen as just an animal, but I'm here in their territory, their home, and this weapon was surely a dangerous sign, I personally would never shoot them, nor would I attack them for no reason, but some humans would, like that human girl on the TV the other night.

I had never used a gun, but I knew it cracked a punch so I inspected it and flicked something which I hoped was the safety and pulled the trigger, the force of the shot hurt my arm as I was inexperienced and I dropped the gun to cradle my arm, the creatures covered their ears and made shrill cries of alarm, I glanced at the back wall and saw the dent and bullet as smoke wafted up around it, the creatures looked at me and one slowly removed the gun, I hoped that they would get the picture.

The one who removed the gun pointed it at its hand, the others gurgled at it, but it seemed determined, it copied my movements I had made, it pulled the trigger, nothing happened, because it had turned the safety on, then it did it again, I couldn't believe it! "Stop! You're going to hurt yourself, what the hell is wrong with you!" I shouted, the bang sounded and everyone covered their ears, the one who had the gun stared at their hand with pained eyes, it had blasted a good sized hole into its own hand, red blood seeped out quickly.

The scene was strangely calm, the strangers led out the injured one and came back a bit later, the gun laying on the ground and my owner gawking at it, the gun was removed from the room, I slumped against the back of the cage, horrified of the previous scene.

Then they just began handing things to me again, as if nothing had happened, they probably didn't want to scare me by causing a ruckus but I was still in shock, even as I scanned over each item with dwindling confidence.

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