Today was the day my friend would be here, how'd I know this? Well he wouldn't stop texting me all night, about how he was not far now.
I walked outside my room expecting the animal to avoid me, but no, it sat there and watched me much to my delight, I enjoyed the morning so much more now that my pet seemed much more trusting towards me, I must have been doing something right.
The sound of knocking at the door took me by surprise due to my distracted state, I rushed to the door and opened it, giving my friend a quick hug, he greeted me excitedly and told me to get my pet and we'll check him out in the lounge room, who was I to argue, it sounded like a great plan.
I brought my pet in, noticing the wary look it gave my friend, "now dude, it is adorable and all, but are you sure its not dangerous, because I watched the newest episode to the Daer understanding show, I know you didn't see it with your cheap TE and channel systems, but all I'm saying is... These things can be aggressive, damn the one they talked about in the episode was about one who tried to strangle someone, it even used a knife! All I'm saying is are you sure!?" Informed my friend.
"Tak... It's fine, I'll... I'll prove it!" I stated gulping slightly, the very idea I had was crazy, this was still a wild animal which probably only trusted me because I fed it and treated its injuries, but I kept my cool, at least outwardly, inside I was terrified, slowly I knelt down and looked at my pets confused face, I reached its neck gently, it seemed worried, I couldn't blame it, I was fighting just to control my nervous jittering, I lifted its paw and placed it onto my neck, it watched me and looked at my neck, it began running its paw through my fur, I tried not to react when it brought a second hand up and it began kneading at my fur and stroking me.
I froze as it hugged my neck, it wasn't tight, it was loose enough to be obviously careful, Tak began freaking out, "oh no, is it trying to strangle you!" He exclaimed, "no" I replied, he kept asking me ridiculous questions, enough for me to realise he had been doing research on the dangers of these creatures all night.
I felt my pet release me, and so I stood up and stepped away, reveling in my success, I watched as Tak and my pet approached each other, I was so proud, but as my pet reached for him, Tak freaked, lashing out slightly, I wanted to shout but I calmed my breath, "Tak, that was uncalled for" I said, "sorry, I shouldn't have... Gotten spooked" muttered Tak, and then he reached out to pat my now wary and cautious pet.
The change in Tak was surprising, he began patting my pet all over, although it obviously seemed uncomfortable about tummy rubs.
It was lunchtime, at least that's what my phone beeping signified, but yet again my pet didn't seem to notice, I picked him up and carried him to the kitchen, and even though I was on cloud nine with excitement over how far we have come in such a short time, I was still curious about how he'd react about being in the kitchen, he seemed interested once I put him down after the bowl, but he just sat and ate, I decided to force myself not to watch him the whole time, despite the occasional glance I made at him.
I busied myself grabbing some foods to put together a cold meal which ended up being cold pre-roasted chicken with various salad items, to create a rather flashy but otherwise bland salad, all the while Tak was talking to me about some job that he was fired at for being to 'himself' and how my mum had offered to pay him pocket money for gardening, I listened and made the odd remark, his life was always pretty interesting.
I put out the plates and sat with him, apparently everything he did ended up in chaos, I disagree, everything he does is chaotic.
Glancing around I realised my pet was gone, so I gathered the empty plates and shoved them into the sink, Tak followed after me as I looked into each room, and sighed in relief as I saw him on the bed, though I almost didn't with how buried he was.
I sat on the bed and smiled at how cute it was, Tak leant on the bed and began poking at my pet till he woke up, "so when are you taking it to get chipped and everything?" Asked Tak, I counted the days, "its been five days so in two days" I stated "hmm so mum will be here tomorrow so She'll be sure to pamper him before he gets done" stated Tak, I began to notice my pet wriggling away, and then getting up and jumping off the bed, Tak and I watched it leave the room, we listened as it played with the back door then the door swing open and a thud, I chose to leave my pet be.
"Whoops, sorry about that" laughed Tak, he was holding back laughter, I shook my head, "dude, you're sure something" I sighed, although I was holding back laughter.
"Anyway let's get serious for a second" said Tak, sitting on the bed cross legged, "what about?" I asked, he looked at me in a studying way, "about everything my dude, you live in this small house for one, its small, its quite literally the same design as a hotel floor! One room is a public lounge which connects to a kitchen, and then there's other doors along your hallway that lead to rooms, and now you have a wild animal to care for, dude, do you even have the funds for this?" Asked Tak.
I stared at my hands, gently clicking my claws together, "sure I do Tak, plus with the fact that I'll be offering important facts that I learn from my Daer, its going to be free mostly I just need to buy certain things like food and bedding and such and all will be good" I finally said, Tak shook his head, "we'll discuss this later, mums coming tomorrow so I want to go to town and get some stuff ok" explained Tak, he didn't wait for a reply, he got up and reached the doorway, "hey, what are you going to be naming it?" He asked, I looked at him thoughtfully, "Jasper, that's the first name that came to mind when I tried out several names" I said slowly, he gave me a smile than walked out, I sat and heard the door shut.
Laying on my bed, with thoughts plaguing my mind, I didn't know why Tak decided to bring all this up now, but I knew my financial situation sucked, but that didn't mean he needed to bring it up, plus I do love this simplistic house even though it didn't have much to offer, I then thought about Jasper, and the fact I had been putting off purchasing stuff for him, maybe I just needed to close my eyes... And... Think.

Byron a Human Pet Story
FantasyByron, a bright boy, with a big future, until he falls down a strange hole, here he's surrounded by demonic creatures, creatures who don't seem to know what he is, and one who seems to have taken it upon itself to care for this auburn haired and gre...