The meal tasted amazing, I enjoyed every bite and I enjoyed having shared it with Jasper, I enjoyed his relaxed and trusting nature, he even let me place a piece of meat straight into his mouth!
All good things end and Jasper was pulled away by Myka and they went to their tents, I sat disappointed at having my precious pet leave me after I had gotten so comfortable, so it was Tak who removed the ropes and closed the gate, I yawned and pretended I was to tired to stay awake, so Tak was in charge of putting out the fire, I agreed to help pack away the leftovers, he'd put them inside the appropriate containers, he really is a good friend.
I lay in my sleeping sack, sleep alluded me and all I could think of was that my Jasper wasn't with me, I'd gotten used to him way to much.
A few hours passed, the sound of the fire was gone and I could even hear Tak's soft snoring from his tent beside mine, I sat up quickly and practically threw the blanket off of the sleeping sack, I wriggled out and headed to Jasper, he looked so peaceful but woke up at my presence, Myka squealed as she awoke, she looked at me tiredly they yapped quietly, Jasper stood up and headed towards me as if he knew what I wanted, so I picked him up and Myka rushed after him and held my arm, the two were obviously tired, but I'd already done this much, there was no going back without them, so I headed back to my tent feeling like the luckiest person in the world, and as I lay with them I took great joy in the warmth and love that I could just feel radiate from my pet.
Morning came far to quickly, the world was awake and alive, but the two Daers were still fast asleep, I didn't have the heart to wake them, so I tried to get out without having them wake up, I failed poorly, Jasper seemed somewhat annoyed and Myka seemed quite happy, they were such good pets, I picked Jasper up and held him against myself, he seemed to brighten up and snuggle up to me, my heart swelled up and I began heading out, Myka grabbed my arm and followed along contently.
"Let's go have a picnic at our secret spot" offered up Tak once our pets were fed and safe in their area, "sounds like fun!" I accepted, he gave a goofy grin, "so we'll need to grab the stuff we'll need" advised Tak, I nodded in understanding and we got started, then once we finished we just sat and enjoyed nature, while talking about how we used to run away and go here as teenagers.
Once the time finally came we put our bags on and I leashed our pets, poor Jasper seemed quite unsure about the walk, even though Myka was enjoying herself pleasantly, investigating everything like it was all new to her, it might actually be, they might not be woodsy animals maybe jungle animals though.
We reached the spot, it was spacious and large, the view was amazing, to think as kids we were to busy being immature idiots to fully appreciate the view, we tied up our pets and began setting up the picnic blanket, a loud heartbreaking noise broke out, I looked over at our pets to see Jasper holding onto Myka while whimpering and whining, I didn't know what to do, maybe this really was to much to soon.
I gently picked him up and carried him to my bag and grabbed one of the baby bottles, I hoped it was just because he was thirsty, I hoped I hadn't messed up, he grabbed the bottle and gulped the water down, he quietened down but didn't seem much better, "Tak, I think we'll have to end the trip today" I muttered as Jasper drank the water, Tak gave a nod of silent agreement.
Authors note: short chapter I know, I apologise for the wait, I've had a busy week I also volunteer at a cat shelter on Saturdays so sometimes I don't get the chance to write, I'll try to get the next chapter out shortly.

Byron a Human Pet Story
FantasyByron, a bright boy, with a big future, until he falls down a strange hole, here he's surrounded by demonic creatures, creatures who don't seem to know what he is, and one who seems to have taken it upon itself to care for this auburn haired and gre...