Tak spent a while on his fone finalising the details about his home and were it was located, he was going to send it to the vets and see whether they will feel the need to deny him ownership, I felt slightly guilty, I didn't have to go through this, it was probably because I was so close to the main building used to learn about new species, I spent the day watching the TE, not sure whether I'd want to wake up the sleeping Daers so that they'd go to sleep at night.
But after a good while I heard them yipping and barking so I went to look for them, they were outside and I was glad to see that they didn't look as if they'd start fighting, I went back to the TE and turned it off, I talked to Tak, as now he was just scrolling through social media, suddenly Jasper walked in and was looking at us alot, he then gave me a hug and I felt my heart swell, he was really such an amazing pet.
The rest of the night was just taking care of our pets basic needs then going to bed, I enjoyed holding my Jasper close, he was so warm and I really didn't ever want to lose my precious boy.
The morning came and I heard the doorbell buzz, my leg was tangled and I tried my best to untangle it without waking Jasper, but I failed that mission, I was embarrassed at how unprepared I was for the vet, I hadn't expected them to be this early!
I headed to the door not without noticing Jasper following me, I greeted the vet and she gave me a polite greeting before making greeting Jasper in a the cooing voice some people use towards pets, Jasper turned around and headed away, I wanted to laugh at how judgemental that made my Jasper seem but the vet was good about it.
I could hear the Daers whining and yipping, the vet went ahead of me as I closed the door, she headed into the kitchen, she patted the two of them, I was so nervous about this, as much as I trusted and loved Jasper, I didn't know what I'd do if he chose to suddenly go dangerous or dull during this vet trip, which seemed highly unlikely.
Tak walked in through a side door and gave the Daers their feed, we then gave them water, we felt all to self conscious and doubtful over ourselves and how we were caring for our pets, Jasper ran out, probably to go toilet, the vet followed him, the female didn't do anything while we waited, we took this chance to breath and relax, this was just a vet visit!
When they came back, we had moved to the lounge room, and Jasper clung onto me in another hug, "he seems really healthy and trusting so far, you really have worked a miracle!" Admired the vet, I felt prideful at that, "you think so? Oh I can't take all the credit, Jasper just has the best personality!" I stated, I sat down and placed Jasper in my lap, he seemed content with this, but the real interest was the female, we were all watching the scene of Tak trying to have her sit with him but she didn't want it, but we played off our watching by pretending to just talk.
"With you around Shik, I do believe that female Daer will turn out amazing" stated the vet, I hugged Jasper close and gave him a peck on the head, feeling so embarrassed over all the praise, she then spoke to Tak, "you, from what I've heard have offered so much help through his difficulties with little Jasper, I truly believe..." The vet stopped talking as the female climbed onto Tak's lap, "aw buddy I'm so happy for you!" I exclaimed, our conversation returned to normal as we secretly watched the Daer cuddle into Tak's fur.
After we finished talking we headed to the bathroom for the in home check up, the poor Daer was terrified, but luckily the sedative worked fast and left her immobile, the vet quickly inspected every area and judging by several tiny noises the female made some parts of the check up were extremely uncomfortable.
We gently lifted her off the table and thanked the vet for doing this, she quickly packed up the table and gave us a smile and waved off our thanks, the female soon began to move, she ran out of the room, I never noticed Jasper leave, so not seeing him was a heart stopping thing, I could hear some barking and yapping so we decided to check up on what they were doing, the vet was explaining to Tak about a natural bleeding period of time for females and I gave Jasper a big hug, so glad he hadn't run off.
I don't know why this is a fear of mine, my Jasper would never do it again, we have to much of a bond, but it still haunted me, the idea that I'd lose my Jasper.
The day was fun, with showing how we care for our pets to having to find them around the house because they seemed to be getting annoyed at being followed, the vet was such a kind person, she would always tell us that its a good sign that the Daers feel safe enough to go around the house with such confidence.
Finally it was time for her to leave, we had had dinner and now all we had to do was show off how we slept, the female didn't seem comfortable with Tak, but that didn't really seem odd, as it is still pretty new to everything, then came mine and Jaspers turn, I lay down with him and suddenly he was to adorable to move away from, the way he clung to me and buried his face, the vet told me it was alright, I don't know why she thought so, but bless that heart of hers.
I held Jasper close and enjoyed the sound of his breathing, the vet was leaving and I was being rude and lying in bed, but I didn't care, not one bit, Tak was going to bed, I could hear a bark from the Daer which sounded surprisingly confident compared to her previous behaviour, I felt my Daer vibrate and heard him make a slight noise, I held him closer and fell asleep to his wonderful warmth and love.

Byron a Human Pet Story
FantasyByron, a bright boy, with a big future, until he falls down a strange hole, here he's surrounded by demonic creatures, creatures who don't seem to know what he is, and one who seems to have taken it upon itself to care for this auburn haired and gre...