A cub -Shik

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I stared at the email on my phone, filling a smile twitch on my lips, I call Tak into my room, he takes a few slow minutes before opening my door, "what's up?" He asks sleepily, I shove my phone in his face, he gives me a surprised look before rolling his eyes, "I'm guessing you want me to look at it?" He assumed teasingly before taking the phone from me and reading through the email.

Dear Mr Cura

We at the Daer department of animal sciences would like to offer you a special chance to personally meet the Daer which was brought into our care once found pregnant.

The female gave birth to an extremely delicate cub, and due to that if you choose to accept this invitation you are requested to not touch the young cub.

You are allowed to bring any Daers along and only up to two friends, we look forward to meeting you again and little Jasper.

Sincerely Cija

I had sent Cija a quick reply before going to find Jasper to tell him, I know he can't possibly understand me but it's just something I found myself doing, Jasper was lying in sun with Myka exploring around the newest toy in the yard, it was an electric toy which races along a circular track, the goal is to catch the toy and and chase after it, Myka though was watching it with those big curious eyes Daers have.

The next day we woke up early, I quickly readied Jasper and gave him a quick bath, he was to sleepy to attempt to wash himself which was a relief, Myka though immediately woke up and barked a whole lot, but this time she didn't try to fight Tak.

We were driven for the long drive to the building I was in to try and help Jasper get better by meeting another Daer and looking at strange items, it's so amazing how so much has changed since then.

Cija greeted us at the door and led us inside, he walked with a bounce to his step, his tails tip sticking up in a show of excitement, "welcome back! I'm glad to see Jasper so happy and healthy!" Greeted Cija, "oh and this must be..." He started eyeing Myka, "she's Myka" stated Tak proudly, Cija's grin widened, "Myka! What a splendid name! Oh I can't wait for you guys to meet miss Tyko!" Cooed Cija, "who?" I asked in confusion, "oh you don't know? Miss Tyko is the name that the people decided, any who come here, I have to show you her little squishy looking cub" hurried Cija.

We walked into a room which seemed inviting, with fake grass and a small couch bed were a Daer sat with a small wriggly creature attached to her teat, Jasper seemed curious, and Myka carefully walked over, eyeing the suckling creature, the mother Daer Yipped tiredly, she handed the cub to Myka who made a noise of displeasure, but the mother lay on the couch bed and fell straight to sleep, Jasper approached and carefully and surprisingly tactfully cradled the cub from Myka's arms.

Jasper seemed happy, and Yipped to Myka who waved her paw at him and walked away, suddenly the cub began a loud wailing, Jasper didn't seem upset, but Tak and I stared in fear, Jasper cradled the cub up to his shoulder and patted its back before it let out a loud burp which caused Myka to rumble happily, "amazing" breathed Cija, I could only nod in agreement.

Jasper Yipped some more to which Myka shook her head in disagreement, Jasper then approached me and presented the cub to me, I looked at Cija worried, but he nodded and so I knelt down and gently went to touch the cubs head, Jasper barked at me, so I moved my hand down and gently stroked the belly, the cub made a cute noise and Jasper smiled up at me, he seemed quite happy, he then carried the cub back to its mother and laid it down carefully looking at the mother in worry.

Cija scurried us out a few minutes later as Jasper simply went to Myka and did nothing else with or about the cub, Cija was beaming happily and invited us into a room, it had a TV and he plugged in a USB a file popped up and soon a video was chosen, I stared in wonderment and pity as I watched the recording of the Daer giving birth, Jasper was pacing uncomfortably and Myka was covering her eyes, maybe birth is a private thing for Daers?

Authors note: this chapter is written from WittleGurr s idea! Thank you so much for your idea! I apologize that its so short though.

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