1. Jerk

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Warning: this story is going to contain foul language. If that won't bother you, then please keeping reading (:


The last bell rang, indicating that school was out for the day. After parting ways with my friend Naomi, I began making my way to my locker to grab the materials i'd need for my homework this weekend. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and began typing a text to my friend Jordan.

'Are you coming to the football game tonight?' I typed.

Just as I was about to look up, I crashed into someone's chest.

"I'm so sorry." I looked up at the person.

Oh great, Austin.

"Get off your damn phone and watch where you're going." He said, his hazel eyes piercing into mine.

He made sure to bump my shoulder with his when he walked past me. I rolled my eyes in response and continued on to my locker.

Austin Mahone was considered to be the "bad boy" of our school. He was always doing stupid things that'd get him into trouble. And his attitude only added to his image. He was just plain rude to everyone, never caring who he hurt with his cruel words.

He didn't phase me like he did everyone else though. I just don't let him bother me.

"Are you going to open it?" Naomi asked, referring to my locker.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I hadn't even realized that I was standing in front of my locker.

"Oh. Yeah." I chuckled.

"What were you thinking about?"

"Nothing." I said, pushing it aside.

"Okay." She responded slowly. "So, you texted Jordan right?"

"Yeah, but she hasn't responded."

I grabbed my homework, then locked my locker back up.

"Let's go to my house. If she's coming, she can meet us there, and if not we'll just go by ourselves." She suggested.

"Sounds like a plan." I added.

On the way to Naomi's house, I felt my phone go off, telling me that I had a new text message. I checked my phone to see who the message was from.

'I'm coming but i'll be a little late. I'll meet you at the game.'

"Jordan's coming, but she said she'll meet us at the game." I

"Okay." She chirped.


"She's here." I said, standing up.

Naomi followed me as I led her to the front gate. I searched through the group of people there until I found my friend.

"Hey." I smiled, tapping her shoulder.

"Hi, guys." She waved.

"How come you weren't at school today?" Naomi asked.

"My brother came down from college this morning, so I used that as an excuse to stay home." She laughed.

"Nice." I smiled. "Well we should probably get back up to our seats before we lose them."

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