bo lo bao | hong kong

Start from the beginning

'Silly, (Y/N),' Leon laughed. 'The name comes from the golden-brownish crust you see at the top when they're, like, done baking.'


'Speaking of which, I suppose we should start putting the crust part on these, doncha think?'

'Uh-huh.' you chuckled and took the crust dough and began to spread them out.

* ☆ *

'What the heck, (Y/N)! I thought I, like, told you to divide these evenly.'

'I thought you meant make them the same size, not make the number of buns even!' You said in your defense.

Leon let out a heavy sigh and stared at the nine buns that were freshly cooling on the baking rack. They were perfect. Their golden-brown shells baked into a pristine crisscross patterns like pineapples and the aromatic scent of eggy custard and flaky goodness wafted into your nose triggering a growling hunger in your stomach.

'You're hungry, aren't you?' Leon laughed hearing your stomach gurgle.

'Mmm...yeah...' you admitted bashfully.

Leon shrugged. 'I'd say dig in, but the custard's probably hot—Ah, what are you doing, (Y/N)?!' Your friend watched in half-surprise and half-fascination as you boldly reached for a steaming-hot bun and bit heartily into it.

Gosh dang it, Leon wasn't kidding when he said they were hot. When you reached the center, the piping-hot molten sweet stream of custard nearly fizzed your taste buds clean off, but you persisted and continued to eat until the entire thing was gone. After you had finished your first one, you reached for another. Leon did the same.

'You're so stubborn, (Y/N).' Leon muffled between bites of his own bo lo bao.

'Look who's talking.' you chuckled and swallowed a mouthful of buttery dough and creamy custard filling.

It didn't take long for the two of you to finish four buns each. Now, thanks to your uneven distribution of the dough, there was still one bun left. Both you and Leon eyed each other for a split second before diving for the remaining bun, tearing it apart with your unrelenting grip and causing precious custard to spill everywhere.

'Like, you're getting my kitchen dirty, (Y/N)!' Leon snapped and ate his remaining shreds of torn bread. Being the faster eater of you two, he then went to your share trying to make a grab for some before you could finish it all.

'Hey!' you cried in surprise. 'Thief!'

'Who's a thief?' Leon grunted. 'Those are my ingredients you're eating. I totally deserve the rest!'

'As if I'd let you!' you smirked mischievously and crammed the remaining bread into your mouth and swallowing.

'Selfish.' Leon hissed and wiped his mouth with his hand accidentally getting some of his remaining custard over his lips.

'Oh, Leon,' you giggled. 'You've got something on your mouth.' You leaned forward and brushed some of the custard stuck to his cheeks and licked the creamy, tantalizing filling off your fingertips. While you were doing that, you noticed that Leon was beginning to blush as he watched you smack your lips around your fingers. Then, to your surprise, he moved towards you and held his hand to your cheek.

'L-Leon?' You stammered, blinking innocently.

'You've got something on your mouth, too,' your friend said with a soft smile and moved closer to clean your lips—but instead of using his fingers, he used his own lips pressing them squarely against your sweet ones and sweeping his tongue over your grooved surfaces. It only took you a short moment—a short, sweet moment—to realize that you didn't have any custard on your mouth in the first place. Nevertheless, you didn't say anything and continued to let Leon 'clean' your mouth smiling all the while. Yep, it was definitely more fun to eat bo lo bao than it was to make them.

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