chapter twenty

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Taehyung's pov

I don't know what to tell jungkook. I don't know how will he react to this. He will be so hurt.
" Her condition is now good. She is recovering. But.. she lost her memory for like one year. She wouldn't remember what happened this year." Doctor.
" What?.. will she remember? Is it permanently or temporary?"me.
" I still haven't figure out if it is temporary or not. But for now, it would be better if you guys try not to make her remember. It might cause problems to her health. She might remember some peoples she met this year." Doctor
" You mean she will remember all peoples she met this year?" Me.
" no. She will not remember them all. She will not remember some peoples. Maybe it can be even one person that she doesn't remember. If it is only one person that she doesn't rem lotember,that means she doesn't wants to remember that person. It's like as if that person gave her a lot of pain wanting her to forget that person." Doctor.
" Will she remember that one person later?" Me.
" If it is only one person, there is more possibility it to be permanent. So she might never remember that person." Doctor.
" Oh ok. "Me.
*end of Flashback*

I entered to the room where jungkook is kept.
" Hey hyung" jk.
" You are awake? How are you feeling?" Me.
" How's tzuyu?" Jk.
" First answer my question" me.
" I'm okay now tell me how's she?" Jk.
" Tzuyu... She lost her memory of one year." Me.
" What?!?" Everyone.
" She may remember some peoples that she met this year. Doctor still haven't figured if it is temporary or permanent" me
" I hope she get well soon" namjoon.
" This is all my fault. I'm sorry" jk.
" It isn't yours jungkook. We don't blame you. This was all a misunderstanding. She will get well soon so don't worry" Sana.
" Yeah.. you don't have to be sorry dear." Mom.
" Sana. Can u come out for a while?" Me.
She nodded and we went out.
" What happened?" Sana.
" She may remember everyone and not remember only one person. And if she does not remember that one person, it might be permanent." Me.
" What?" Sana.
" Yeah.. that's what the doctor said" me.
" I hope that doesn't happen. Can we go and check how she is?" Sana.
"Hmm. Let's go" me.
As we arrived there, the doctor informed us.
" She is now at the room near jungkook is kept so that it would be easy for you guys. And yes she is awake now. You guys can meet her" doctor.
" Thank you doctor" me.
We went to there and saw tzuyu. Sana hugged her as soon as she saw her.
" Yah! Why did you do that? Do you know how much scared we all were!" Sana
" I'm sorry.. " tzuyu.
" Hi tzuyu. Do you remember me?" Me.
" Yeah.. I do remember you. Why are you asking me that?" Tzuyu.
" Oh it's nothing." Me.
" I will go inform others" Sana.
I sat one the chair near the bed.
" Jungkook was the one who was mostly worried about you" me.
" Who is jungkook?" Tzuyu.

Here is the new chapter. Hope you guys like it!

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