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_after 5 years_

Taehyung's pov

I woke up and saw that Sana wasn't on the bed.
She is making breakfast probably..
I stood up and took a bath. I wore a suit ready to go the company and went to out.
I went to kitchen to see Sana making breakfast. I back hugged her and kissed her cheek.
" Good morning jagi" me
" Good morning. Leave after having breakfast. I'm just done" Sana
" Ok " me.
I sat on the chair. After a while Sana came with breakfast.
" Don't start. Let me wake jisoo up" Sana
" I'm awake omma" Kim jisoo
" Good morning my little fighter" me
" Good morning apaa" jisoo
" Ok now let's start. Oh wait, I forgot to wake tzuyu and jungkook. Wait for a while " Sana
" We are awake unnie" tzuyu.
Tzuyu and jungkook came and we all ate breakfast. We finished after a while and I checked the time to see we were getting late
" Jungkook let's go" me
" Yes hyung" jungkook
Me n jungkook left after pecking our wifes.
" Hyung. Can I not go for a month. Can I take a leave?( not so sure if we say this. ) I still haven't got a time for my honeymoon. It has been two months we got married." Jungkook
" Why are you asking me that?" Me
" Well you are the owner while I'm the ceo. So I have to ask u
" You can take a leave for two months" me
" Thanks hyung. You are the best!" He hugged me
" Yah! Let go of me" me
He let go. We took my car and went to the company. We were in the road when I got a text from sana saying there was an emergency. I got so worried that I took a U turn and drive back to home. Jungkook looked jungshook.
As soon as I entered, I saw Sana in the sitting room.
" What happened?" Me
" Apaa" jisoo
She was sitting on the couch looking sad. I went near her.
" What happened jisoo?" Me
She started to laugh. Wait what.. did they just trick me?
" Trapped" jungkook
" What was this for?" Me
" Well we are going for a picnic today!" Jisoo
" Yay!" Jungkook
" What happened? Why is everyone gathered up? Didn't you two went to work?" Tzuyu
" We are going for a picnic today babe" jungkook
" I can't" tzuyu
She looked kinda nervous to say what she was going to.
" Actually.. I.. I went to hospital yesterday" tzuyu
" What? Why? Does it hurt somewhere? Are you sick? You should have told me" jungkook
" Jungkook.. I'm.. the doctor said that I should be careful at first month" tzuyu
" First month?" Taesakook
" Yes.. I'm pregnant" tzuyu
We all were shocked.
" You are serious right? You are not joking right?! You mean to say I am gonna be a dad right?!!" Jungkook
" Yes" tzuyu
" Oh my gosh tzuyu! I'm so happy!!" Jungkook.
He hugged her so tightly and carried her.
" Yah yah jungkook you should seriously be careful at the first month " Sana
" Oh yeah sorry." Jungkook
" But I can't stop. I'm so happy" jungkook
He started to dance.
" Why are you so happy?" Jisoo
" Because.. you are going to be a cousin sister and.. I'm going to be a father" me
" Really? Yay!! " Jisoo
" You guys still haven't gone to honeymoon and now got a baby? It's too fast" me
" You are saying that like we got jisoo after a year. It was only a month from our marriage" Sana
Tzuyu and jungkook started to laugh.
" Why are you guys laughing? And when are we going?" Jisoo
" Right now but only u , me and mommy" me
"Ok" jisoo
" Let's go" me
" Yay!" Jisoo


Hope you guys like it although I doesn't like the epilogue that much. Thanks everyone for your time and suppot. I really really really appreciate it.

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