Chapter 26: Your Best

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Eve's POV

I sunk deeper at the tub as the soft music plays in the background. Andra was perfectly fine now, it took her a day to recover from the damages on her body. She walks again lively around the safehouse as if she was never been beaten in her life. Shaun really took good care of her, he watched over Andra to her sleep 24/1.

I reached for the shampoo and massaged some on my hair, the sweet smell of lavender pervaded the whole restroom as I enjoy my tepid bath in serenity. The door suddenly bursted open and Andra busted in. I shrieked in surprise as my arms went around my chest to cover it ptotectively. "T-the kitchen is downstairs," I squeaked as she closed the door and locked it.

Why the fuck I always forget to lock every door I enter in my life?! No wonder why Adam just always comes in to wherever I'm into.

She took her shirt off and I quickly looked away, squeezing my eyes shut.

"We're both females so don't get uncomfortable," she suddenly seemed to be nearer and when I opened my eyes, she was already on the tub too and sitting in front of me with her knees pulled up to her chest.

I jerked into sitting position and covered my chest again, my face flushed with embarrassment. "You never said that you dig girls!"

She rolled her eyes in response and splashed some water on my face. "I'm straight, idiot."

I ran my hands on my face and looked at her, she was looking down in deep contemplation. I also looked down and pulled my knees close to my chest.

"I'm sexier than you, I swear," she said.

I narrowed my eyes and gave her a once over. She surely have breasts bigger than mine, but I'm slimmer.

"Staring is rude," she said curtly, causing my eyes to flash back to her own. "In the first place, I didn't come here to harass you, if that's what you think."

She reached the faucet and twisted it till it couldn't budge, the rush of the water intermingling with the voice of Stephen Speaks singing in the background.

"Shaun won't hear us this way," she said.

I furrowed my brows in confusion and with interest.

"I'm glad that we're making progress," she started, smiling a little. "Next destination's Abel-Mizraim."

"Right," I said, nodding my head.
Yesterday, upon Raven's return, he said that when the time comes that Andra is finally recovered, we will go next at Abel-Mizraim.

"But I really felt bad from the previous battle," she said.

I looked down in sadness, new destination means a new battle. No matter how we tried to steer away from the danger, still, there would be anyone who'd come on our way and interfere us. I agreed to this, so I should move forward with them no matter what, regardless of the consequences. We will fight together as one, though I don't have any contribution. I knitted my eyebrows in guilt, I was being a burden in our entire journey.

"I lost," she said blankly as she was lost in staring at the adjacent cubic tiles of the restroom.

I may not have strong muscles, but I believe that I have a strong heart. I should encourage the strong ones when they feel discouraged and weak.

"You protected me, Andra," I said, and she stopped from her contemplation to look at me. "You might got lost from the physical battle, but you won in protecting me."

"I heard that you passed out-"

"But bathing here unscathed," I said, smiling at her.

She averted her eyes from me and her blue orbs moved to look sideways. "They're saying that I'm strong but I'm not. They're just motivating me to be more than a condescending reaper."

Everything suddenly stopped. It's like even the time has nothing to do with her uttering. What do I say to that?

"You're not."

"I am," she argued.

"I believe in what they say about you. Raven apparently tells the truth, so do Shaun."

She looked down at the latter. She somewhat looked like something different. When my eyes finally discovered her blushing cheeks, I felt my mouth hung in my inference.

"Shaun's just sugar-coating it. You know him. He's too comical. At the same time handsome. Sometimes I want to kiss the hell out of him just to make him shut up. Now tell me-," she suddenly stopped from her ranting and her eyes were suddenly dilated, as if a doe-eyed deer caught in running headlights.

"Andra?," I whispered, barely audible.

She opened her mouth to speak but closed it before a word comes out of her. She covered her mouth with her right hand, then followed by her left hand. Then her whole face and ears started to get beet-red as if she sunbathed for a whole day  without using sunblock.

"D-did...," I stammered.

She lifted her wide eyes from the floor and looked at me.

"Did. What did you just say? Do you-," I relaxed my breathing when I realized that I was running out of breath, but my excitement got the best of me. "YOU LIKE SHAUN?!"

She clamped my mouth faster than a second, and blasted the radio beside to a louder volume.

"SHHH!!!, she hissed like a snake, her index finger shaking at her lips uncontrollably. "You're my friend."

I nodded my head vigorously, her hand still covering my mouth.

"You're not a rat."
I nodded again.

"You will keep my secret and will leave it in the four walls of this restroom."


She removed her hand to let me speak. I let out a heavy breath before nodding again.

"I'm your best," I pledged.


What do you runners think of that?

Do you ship Andra and Shaun?

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- in•the•running

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