Chapter 24: Should Be MET

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Raven's POV

"Be careful on what you pluck," I warned as his hand was about to reach the plants. "Best avoid plucking anything."

He frowned and stood up with his arms crossed. Just when he was about to open his mouth to say something, the ground suddenly quivered with an intense vibrancy.

I steadied myself on the ground, watching as a tall, thick solid barrier rose from the ground. My heart throbbed with adrenaline as Eve and Andra were still not coming back. I seethed in anger, not expecting that we would meet a serious trouble in the jungle.

I was about to run fast in order to break the wall when a hundred, various figures in size appeared rooting from the ground. Only then, when the figures had completely birthed from the earthly soil, the earthquake was gone.

The figures stood still, covered with distorted clumps of mud and clay. Then someone giggled, an annoying giggle smothering the atmosphere in an obscure premonition.

I looked at the medium figure in the middle, deeming that it was emanated from within. The woman inside giggled louder, sending my indignation at the edge of my sanity. Almost too little to burst.

Just when I clenched my fists with restraint, it cracked and opened with a blinding light. I squeezed my eyes shut in reflex. When the harmful light was gone and when I opened my eyes, a lifelike dead stood in front of us - Sarah.

Beside her were two large golems made of clay and mud, I narrowed my eyes as each of them has a shorwell helmet covering the Hebrew letters on their forehead.

"Who is she and what kind of creatures are standing behind her and WHAT THE FUCK ARE THOSE SMALL EARTHLINGS?!," Adam asked in a whisper beside Shaun.

I looked at the ground to see a large number of homunculi engulfing the extent before us.

"She is Sarah. Abraham's wife, mother of all countries, a beautiful former barren," Shaun answered.

I focused my sharp vision through her skull, inside it was a homunculus sprawled upside down, embracing her brain.

I felt my veins sprouted on my temple in disgust. "She's not the real Sarah. Sarah's spirit is with God now. Maybe Enki just used her body, for he has the power of creation and magic."

"The two behind her are golems, the small ones are neither dwarves nor elves, but rather are homunculus," Shaun added.

The impostor cackled, I scoffed as the homunculus inside her was laughing scornfully. "You humans are really funny!," she threw her head back in laughter. I gripped hard the machete in my right hand as I felt the need to slit her throat open. "Oops. I was once a human before. I forgot."

"Are you trying to hinder us?," I asked lowly, but actually hinted her to back off.

She puckered her lips in thought, the homunculus inside puckering too. I felt my stomach churned with aversion as its big lips grazed the left hemisphere of her brain. "Enki told me to summon a number of golems to defeat you, but I guess, two will make it. So each of you, dear reapers, will have a partner," she said jubilantly as she applauded animatedly.

"I love your confidence," Shaun snorted, his words dripping with sarcasm.

Thus, Sarah didn't like it as her face all turned serious. "Let's see about that. Golems, kill the reapers. Homunculi...," she looked at Adam gravely. "You know what to do with the human."

Then it all started when the creatures charged toward us. I readied my stance with the machete in my hand.

One of the golems rushed into me, and I was about to strike his helmet aimed for the Hebrew letters, but it caught my wrist. My eyes widened as its sturdy fist completely encircled my wrist in a tight grip, I winced in pain and the machete fell off my hand.

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