Chapter 14: Got No Hold

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Adam's POV

I snapped my head to Eve only to see her shaking violently as if she was being electrocuted, but it was cut short as Andra tackled the now visible Marduk on the ground.

Eve was unconscious and I caught her body before it met the ground. As I look at her, I can't help but to panic in fear. I quickly checked her pulse and - God, thanks - I was a bit relieved when I felt her still breathing. The surrounding started to get in shambles.

I looked back at the chaos and now, Andra and Shaun were clad in gold and red armor, like Marduk, they have the same weapons -- pioneer helmet, hanging bowl, and pattern welded sword. However, Raven's different, his was pure black.

Andra puts a little weight in her right foot as she's clutching her left side with blood gushing through her fingers. She was slouching, wincing in pain, but she stood her ground. Raven was beside her, trying to assist her.

Shaun was currently struggling to fight Marduk sword by sword, each wielding their weapons excellently, as if if no one could think of another strategy using sword and bowl, the fight would be endless. Until Marduk very forcefully banged his bowl against Shaun, which caused him to be thrown across the room and off against the wall harshly.

Marduk looked at us, me and Eve, furiously and was about to come towards us when Raven swung his sword at him, aiming for his neck, but he quickly dodged it by blocking Raven's sword with his.

"RUN!," Raven clamored, and I wasted no time to get Eve away from here. I picked her up bridal style and I forced my feet to run in full speed. Adrenaline surged in through my veins as I found myself already three flights downstairs.

Then the tower started to crumble and the loud outcries from the people below rang the whole surroundings and the outside.

When I came down the ground floor, no one can be seen anywhere. I went outside and still no one was everywhere. It seems like they ran away from the tower, the ground beneath my feet was shaking violently, as if there was an earthquake. I looked back up the tower only to see the top of it, which was still ongoing in the process of repairing by these days, tumbling over itself again.

I was a few meters away from the tower and when I set my eyes back to my eye level, I saw Marduk standing at the threshold of one of the arched doorways, smiling at me creepily, his sword was now in its holster and his bowl was slung behind him.

I turned around and ran away from him, Eve still in my arms. I don't know where I'm going but I know to myself that I don't want Eve to be nearer at him. I tried to look back only to find him a few feets away from me. I looked back forward and tried to run my feet faster, but not many seconds after, I was tackled against the hard ground.

I felt no pain as the intensity of Marduk's tackle caused Eve's body to flew a few feet away from me. If not with this situation, she would look beautiful flying high in the sky. But this was different. She's unconscious for damn sake.

She was in the air a few feet away from the ground, her body slowly tilting clockwise, then she met the ground roughly, rolling down the slope towards the river. Her body stopped on the water near the shore, she was lying on her stomach, her face was soaked in the water. My eyes widened and my mouth gaped open, anxious at Eve's state. SHE WON'T BE ABLE TO BREATHE.

I managed to kick him at his face, he groaned and let go of me. Marduk was pinning my lower body against the ground, I rolled myself from my stomach to face him. He seems unfazed and lurched on me, his knuckles were about to smash my face but someone dragged him away from me. His fist was scraping against the ground instead as Raven forcefully dragged him on the ground.

I wasted no time and I brought myself to stand fully then ran towards Eve who was still soaked in the water. I pulled her away from the water and held her in my arms again. Her face was almost getting blue, I immediately checked her pulse, she was still alive, but I can't feel her breathing.

I set her on the ground. Once she was lying on her back, I kneel next to her neck and shoulders so I can have better access to her chest and mouth. I placed one hand directly over the center of her chest and my other hand on top for reinforcement then I rapidly pushed down 100 compressions a minute.

Eve's mother taught us before what 100 compressions a minute really means, she made us sing "Stayin' Alive" while compressing the mannequin's chest, and I never thought that Eve were going to be the first real victim I would save from drowning.

I heard a loud scream but it faded into background as I focused on bringing Eve to breathe.

When I thought that I'm near to lose my upper body weight strength, Eve became thankfully responsive. She jerked her head sidewards and choked out a small amount of water.


She turned her head to me when she heard my voice, she quickly sat up and we engulfed each other in a tight hug. I felt something wet on my shoulder and Eve's shoulders started to shake, that, I knew she's crying. I rubbed my hands on her back comfortingly.

"Adam," her voice was small. She was hugging me tighter as if to make sure that I'm real.

"I'm here, Eve. I'm here," I assured.

We heard a shuffle and we parted a little and turned our heads to look at who's approaching us. Raven stood before us, all bloody with bloods spurted across his face down to his trousers, he was flashing Eve a concern look then he held out his bloody hand to Eve.

Despite his current look, Eve didn't hesitate and she took it. Raven helped her to stand up away from our position, away from my arms.

"You're fine," he whispered then hugged Eve.

I quickly turned my head away from them, it hurts to see her wrapped in another arms, and know that I got no hold of her.


Aww... Why does it always hurt to write Adam's POV? 😭

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