Chapter 4: Reap What You Sow

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Raven's POV

"But you need to come with me, of course," I said my condition. Though my eyes were looking over the colorful light beams of the skyscrapers downtown, I can feel her fear and hesitance emanating from her. She was afraid of me and what I am, I know it. His best friend or more like her manacle, as I see it, doesn't help as he apparently contributes to her compromission.

"I-I'll think of it," she said tentatively, cautious as always. However, I considered it as my step to another level. If she was like any other girl, they would not even gonna talk to me. They might passed out the moment they see me, or might summon a priest to dispel me - though any priest nor cross were no match against me, the latter was a symbol of burden to carry, humans are fool to think of it as their saving grace, the One who was crucified on it was their Savior, humans and misconceptions - but she was different; she got to know me, she turned up to my stealthy invitation, she held my hand. Though her childhood bestfriend told him to stay, she walked with a stranger, a demidemon as well as a reaper.

We stood in silence for a while, spending the night with serenity. Sometimes, it's nice to have yourself rested. I hope we can stay like that even just for a while, but the boy must have already known her absence. No wonder if he went berserk. I smiled to myself, thankful of my two co-reapers - my crazy genuine friends - who must be buying his time.

"Then," I said while extending my hand to her. "Let's get you back where you were originally from." She looked at my hand again then to my eyes. "No, I can help myself," she insisted.

"I brought you here, so I will bring you back from where I got you."

She stared at me, I can see the appreciation behind her irises. But what she did next surprised me, and I was even surprised at myself that I didn't expect it. Instead of getting scared, she smiled at me. Though it was a small smile, it has affected me and made me feel like a human.

I broke myself out of my trance before she even noticed my sudden change and lead her downstairs. Upon getting back there, we saw the boy with Andra and Shaun. The two must be bickering again, I sighed hopelessly. These two never changed. That's why I like them. I knew them from the start, my friends, and they stayed just as they are.

The boy jerked his head back to look at us, more than at Eve. I kept myself stoic, as what I do always, and I keep my appraisal at bay. I can see the jealousy burning in his eyes, a fuel to my ego and my dark side, I smirked deviously and made sure I was still holding Eve's delicate hand till we were in front of them.

The boy stared at our hands, causing Eve to pull her hands away from me. Prude. "Thank you for coming at the party," I said to the both of them, but mainly addresing Eve. "I guess we'll see you around," I said as a farewell then the three of us teleported on the rooftop, our haven away from the mess of humans.

We helped ourselves and got a chair for us to sit upon individually, sitting nearby to each other, facing the northern evening sky filled with a handful of stars, shining through the darkness.

"Don't get too attached," Shaun warned. I kept silent, feeling that Eve had level out the playing field.

"I know she-"

"Hold it," I retorted, not wanting him to remind me the past. I decided to change the topic as I flicked my eyes at Andra. "Why someone's all stubborn?"

Shaun chuckled very amusingly. "She didn't found Adam funny." He shakes his head, laughing. Andra just rolled her eyes stubbornly.

So the boy's clever? I see.

"That wasn't just the case!," she interjected.

"What else so? The fact that he didn't acknowledge you or cared that you're a reaper?!," now Shaun was laughing like a hyena that I got carried away and joined his insanity. Andra, on the other hand, was boiling in rage.

"Ok, ok. Stop it," I said between my laughter. "I don't want my house to get wrecked again."

Shaun obliged, though his snicker was still lingering in the air. He decided to avert his humor as he informed, "By the way, she was also annoyed at the fact that we didn't reap any soul today."

"I wasted a night of my life for fuck sake," she seethed. I shook my head joyously, "You will take that back," I said certainly. She looked at me, waiting for what I will say next.

Magically, as humans call it, I held a goblet appeared in my hand filled with liquor. I took a sip then looked at her deviously. "We have one job," I said matter-of-factly. "I won't let a time pass by without sparing any soul." Except one. "So I gathered all doomed souls here," I smirked.

The two stared at me intently.

"This is their last night. This is their last party," I said, enjoying their reactions. Shaun, though he knows I can, was dumbfounded. Andra, on the other hand, was now all too lively. "Reap the tares the devils sow, bind them in bundles to burn them."

"I did the initial, do the final," I ordered.

Andra smirked, Shaun nodded, and I tipped my glass to them, a gesture of saying 'Enjoy'.


I just checked my Wattpad account lately before posting this chapter, and lo! My story is #3 in ranking of #condition out of 23 stories who has using the same hashtag! #27 in ranking of #reapers out of 119 stories who also has using the same hashtag! My story also ranked #7 in What's Hot list! To think that the other stories were already has many chapters and million reads, my humble work made it to #7! Ranked #1 in rising! Ranked #2 in new! Thank you all readers! I'm so gonna save this date! June 17, 2018!

I thank God! I thank you readers! And from now on, I'm gonna call all my readers 'runners'! Be with me on the run!

Thank you so much for reading this. I hope you enjoyed it, and if you did, please don't forget to vote. I really enjoyed writing Raven's POV, actually. And I hope you like it. Next chapter soon!

- in•the•running

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