Chapter 21: Where Loyalty Lies

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Eve's POV

It's been three days. And each of days were wasted as none of us can't figure out what could be the clue hidden within these grains of salt. The reapers tried very hard to conceive Lot's remnants, but they would just end up with their brows furrowed all day without finding no answer. Adam tried too if he could do any help, but he really can't seek anything and so was I.

He roved his eyes from Earth to mine. "I'm not an enemy, Eve. Now I'll be kind to say to you that the location wasn't on my body. You better search it in Lot's wife before your companions could kill her. Or else. It will take you a long time to study her remnants."

I frowned everytime I remember what Enlil has said. I don't know if I should get angry with him because he didn't tell me right then what it could be, but he has been kind enough to me that he didn't do anything maleficent and instead gave me a clue. A clue which I was holding now in a vacuum packing but still can't get a hint.

Adam, Raven, Eve, and Shaun asked me everything about what happened when Enlil took me and I told them everything. They apologized, mainly Raven, that he had to kill her. Shaun told me that Lot's wife attempted to kill Adam, so I can't blame Raven because if I were him, I would also kill whoever tries to end Adam's life.

I sighed, remembering what I had dreamt back in the Tower of Babel. Until now, I'm not sure if it was just really a dream, it really felt real, like it really happened.

I looked out of the window to see the sun slowly setting down the horizon. Ever since my previous realization of Earth's firmament, I always see the barrier whenever I look up. It was like a gold beaten into thin plates, and was cut into wires to work it in the blue, and in the purple, and in the scarlet. Like it was a fine linen, with cunning work, rolled up like a scroll to cover Earth and protect us from the detrimental things that may come from the universe.

Someone knocked at the door, breaking me out of my trance. I turned my head to look at the door, it was locked so no one can just barge in in my serious contemplation.

We were currently in a house bought by Raven near the Mount Sodom for us to stay in for a while. We all have our own rooms. It was an extravagant use of money to buy a house which will be only lived temporarily but Raven said that it was better than renting a room in hotels. Maybe he didn't like sleeping on the couch.

"Eve?," Adam's voice popped in in my silent surrounding.

I told them that I need some time alone and they all respected my wishes, especially Adam. He even said to lock myself for a day and I don't know if I should take that seriously or laugh my ass off, but I'm really not in the mood to be happy when we're stuck between the clues and plans. I looked down at the vacuum packing in my hand, fiddling with it.

"Andra cooked dinner for you," he called out.

Does that sound food?

"For me?," I called out.

"Yes. Only for you. I don't know if she has any plans to feed us. She said she wants you to be the one to taste her basil salmon terrine first," he answered.

I looked at the grains of salt for the last time before I set it on the top of the bureau beside my bed.

I walked towards the door and opened it, revealing Adam standing on the other side, wearing an undershirt which emphasized his bulging muscles. He gave me an engaging smile, lifting my mood even higher.

I returned it and we walked into the dining area. The palatable foods and utensils were already settled on the pentagon-shaped table with five feet at each five sides. The table's surface was immaculate with a bunch of baguettes in the middle.

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